Thursday, May 13, 2021

Soundarya Lahari 61-70

 असौ नासावंशस्तुहिनगिरिवंशध्वजपटि

त्वदीयो नेदीयः फलतु फलमस्माकमुचितम् ।

वहन्नन्तर्मुक्ताः शिशिरतरनिश्वासगलितं

समृद्ध्या यत्तासां बहिरपि च मुक्तामणिधरः ॥ ६१॥

asau nāsāvaṃśa-stuhinagirivaṇśa-dhvajapaṭi

tvadīyō nēdīyaḥ phalatu phala-masmākamuchitam ।

vahatyantarmuktāḥ śiśirakara-niśvāsa-galitaṃ

samṛddhyā yattāsāṃ bahirapi cha muktāmaṇidharaḥ ॥ 61 ॥

:O! The most revered in the Himalayan Kingdom! Your bamboo like nose, quickly reward our desires. Pearls formed within your nose are pushed while you breathe out through your left nostril.

Benefits : Secures relief from diseases.

प्रकृत्या रक्तायास्तव सुदति दन्तच्छदरुचेः

प्रवक्ष्ये सादृश्यं जनयतु फलं विद्रुमलता ।

न बिम्बं तद्बिम्बप्रतिफलनरागादरुणितं

तुलामध्यारोढुं कथमिव विलज्जेत कलया ॥ ६२॥

prakṛtyāraktāyā-stava sudati dandachChadaruchēḥ

pravakṣyē sadṛśyaṃ janayatu phalaṃ vidrumalatā ।

na bimbaṃ tadbimba-pratiphalana-rāgā-daruṇitaṃ

tulāmadhyārōḍhuṃ kathamiva vilajjēta kalayā ॥ 62 ॥

:O! Devi, the One with beautiful white teeth! . That are seen through parting lips which are dark red in complexion. Shankaracharya compares Her lips to  the coral creeper and not to the bimba fruit, as bimba fruit doesn't have natural redness. Will not the bimba fruit be embarrassed at least by a bit, when this comparison is made?

Benefits : Secures sound sleep.

स्मितज्योत्स्नाजालं तव वदनचन्द्रस्य पिबतां

चकोराणामासीदतिरसतया चञ्चुजडिमा ।

अतस्ते शीतांशोरमृतलहरीमम्लरुचयः

पिबन्ति स्वच्छन्दं निशि निशि भृशं काञ्जिकधिया ॥ ६३॥

smitajyōtsnājālaṃ tava vadanachandrasya pibatāṃ

chakōrāṇā-māsī-datirasatayā chañchu-jaḍimā ।

atastē śītāṃśō-ramṛtalaharī māmlaruchayaḥ

pibantī svachChandaṃ niśi niśi bhṛśaṃ kāñji kadhiyā ॥ 63 ॥

:The Chakora birds are satiated with drinking in the moon-light of the smile of Your moon-like face owing to the oversavoury sweetness thereof; hence, eager to taste something  sour, they freely drink in excess, every night, the nectar flowing from the Moon believing it to be gruel.

Benefits : Secures command over others.

अविश्रान्तं पत्युर्गुणगणकथाम्रेडनजपा

जपापुष्पच्छाया तव जननि जिह्वा जयति सा ।

यदग्रासीनायाः स्फटिकदृषदच्छच्छविमयी

सरस्वत्या मूर्तिः परिणमति माणिक्यवपुषा ॥ ६४॥

aviśrāntaṃ patyurguṇagaṇa kathāmrēḍanajapā

japāpuṣpachChāyā tava janani jihvā jayati sā ।

yadagrāsīnāyāḥ sphaṭikadṛṣa-dachChachChavimayi

sarasvatyā mūrtiḥ pariṇamati māṇikyavapuṣā ॥ 64 ॥

:O! Divine Mother! Your tongue has turned into deep red like a hibiscus flower, as You are repeatedly talking about the Grandeur of Your Consort Śiva! Goddess Sarasvatī having a crystal like complexion and residing in the tip of Your tongue turns red like that of a ruby.

Benefits :  Cures women related diseases.

रणे जित्वा दैत्यानपहृतशिरस्त्रैः कवचिभिर्-

निवृत्तैश्चण्डांशत्रिपुरहरनिर्माल्यविमुखैः ।

विशाखेन्द्रोपेन्द्रैः शशिविशदकर्पूरशकला

विलीयन्ते मातस्तव वदनताम्बूलकबलाः ॥ ६५॥

raṇē jitvā daityā napahṛta-śirastraiḥ kavachibhiḥ

nivṛttai-śchaṇḍāṃśa-tripurahara-nirmālya-vimukhaiḥ ।

viśākhēndrōpēndraiḥ śaśiviśada-karpūraśakalā

vilīyantē mātastava vadanatāmbūla-kabalāḥ ॥ 65 ॥

:Oh mother of the world, the lords Subrahmanya (Vishakha), Vishnu (Upendra) and Indra, who are resting after returning victorious from the war with Asuras, and have removed their head gear, and wearing the iron armour; are not interested in the offerrings to Lord Shiva (Tripura-hara), which they leave as a share of Chandikeshwara. They, in stead, and are swallowing with zest, the half chewed betel and nut from your holy mouth, which is mixed with powdered camphor as radiant as the moon.

Benefits : Gains overall victory.

विपञ्च्या गायन्ती विविधमपदानं पशुपतेः

त्वयारब्धे वक्तुं चलितशिरसा साधुवचने ।


निजां वीणां वाणी निचुलयति चोलेन निभृतम् ॥ ६६॥

vipañchyā gāyantī vividha-mapadānaṃ paśupatē-

stvayārabdhē vaktuṃ chalitaśirasā sādhuvachanē ।


nijāṃ vīṇāṃ vāṇīṃ nichulayati chōlēna nibhṛtam ॥ 66 ॥

:Oh mother of all,. when you start nodding your head, sweetly muttering , “good,good”, to the Goddess Saraswathi,  when she sings the great stories of Lord Pasupati to you, with the accompaniment of her Veena;She mutes the Veena by the covering cloth, so that the strings throwing sweetest music, are not put to shame, by your voice which is full of sweetness.

Benefits : Freedom from diseases.

कराग्रेण स्पृष्टं तुहिनगिरिणा वत्सलतया

गिरीशेनोदस्तं मुहुरधरपानाकुलतया ।

करग्राह्यं शम्भोर्मुखमुकुरवृन्तं गिरिसुते

कथङ्कारं ब्रूमस्तव चिबुकमौपम्यरहितम् ॥ ६७॥

karagrēṇa spṛṣṭaṃ tuhinagiriṇā vatsalatayā

giriśēnō-dastaṃ muhuradharapānākulatayā ।

karagrāhyaṃ śambhōrmukhamukuravṛntaṃ girisutē

kathaṅkaraṃ brūma-stava chubukamōpamyarahitam ॥ 67 ॥

:Oh daughter of the mountains, How can we describe the beauty of your chin, which was  affectionately caressed by the tip of his fingers by your father Himavan;  Which was often lifted by the Lord of Kailasa, with eargerness to drink from your lips; Which was so fit to be touched by his fingers; Which is matchless and which forms the base of your mirror-like face.

Benefits : Earning royal favour.

भुजाश्लेषान् नित्यं पुरदमयितुः कण्टकवती

तव ग्रीवा धत्ते मुखकमलनालश्रियमियम् ।

स्वतः श्वेता कालागुरुबहुलजम्बालमलिना

मृणालीलालित्यम् वहति यदधो हारलतिका ॥ ६८॥

bhujāślēṣānnityaṃ puradamayituḥ kanṭakavatī

tava grīvā dhattē mukhakamalanāla-śriyamiyam ।

svataḥ śvētā kālā garu bahula-jambālamalinā

mṛṇālīlālityaṃ vahati yadadhō hāralatikā ॥ 68 ॥

:Your neck always thrilled by the embrace of the destroyer of cities (Shiva)displays the gracefulness of the stalk of the lotus. Your face, with the naturally white garland of pearls below, darkened by the application of black, and muddy ‘agaru’ paste (applied to the neck) presents the charm of the fibrous root of the lotus-stalk.

Benefits : Secures royal favor.

गले रेखास्तिस्रो गतिगमकगीतैकनिपुणे

विवाहव्यानद्धप्रगुणगुणसंख्याप्रतिभुवः ।

विराजन्ते नानाविधमधुररागाकरभुवां

त्रयाणां ग्रामाणां स्थितिनियमसीमान इव ते ॥ ६९॥

galē rēkhāstisrō gati gamaka gītaika nipuṇē

vivāha-vyānaddha-praguṇaguṇa-saṅkhyā pratibhuvaḥ ।

virājantē nānāvidha-madhura-rāgākara-bhuvāṃ

trayāṇāṃ grāmāṇāṃ sthiti-niyama-sīmāna iva tē ॥ 69 ॥

:Your neck,  which has the expertise of singing melodious tunes, has three lines. They remind us about the auspicious thread (māṅgalyasūtra) tied in your neck by Śiva, which is made of three intertwined yellow threads. The three lines also appear like boundaries delimiting musical notes.

Benefits : Secures success in all undertakings.

मृणालीमृद्वीनां तव भुजलतानां चतसृणां

चतुर्भिः सौन्दर्यं सरसिजभवः स्तौति वदनैः ।

नखेभ्यः सन्त्रस्यन् प्रथममथनादन्धकरिपो-

श्चतुर्णां शीर्षाणां सममभयहस्तार्पणधिया ॥ ७०॥

mṛṇālī-mṛdvīnāṃ tava bhujalatānāṃ chatasṛṇāṃ

chaturbhiḥ saundaryaṃ sarasijabhavaḥ stauti vadanaiḥ ।

nakhēbhyaḥ santrasyan prathama-mathanā dandhakaripōḥ

chaturṇāṃ śīrṣāṇāṃ sama-mabhayahastārpaṇa-dhiyā ॥ 70 ॥

:Your four hands are very soft like lotus stalk. Once upon a time, Śiva nipped off Brahmā’s head using His finger nails. Scared of this and in order to retain his existing four heads, Brahmā came to You and praised Your four soft hands seeking Your protection.

Benefits : The practitioner gets blessed with overall success.

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