Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Soundarya Lahari 42-50

 Beginning from this verse, Śaṁkarācārya describes Parāśakti’s gross form. For Gods, description begins from feet to head and for Goddesses it begins from head to feet. This portion of this Scripture is known as Soundarya laharī (saundarya means beauty) and verses beginning from one to forty one are known as Ānandalaharī. Soundarya laharī is based on samayācāra worship, where She is adored as Samaya.

There are two views on the second section of Soundarya laharī. First section comprising of 41 verses described Her subtle forms. Particularly the last few verses dealt with Her subtlest form kuṇḍalinī. Her relationship with Śiva was also dealt with in detail in the previous section. After having read and understood the previous section, an aspirant gets ready to meditate on Her. In order to effectively contemplate Her, Śaṁkarācārya has conceptualised the second part, which describes Her gross form. Basically, this section will be helpful only to those, who are not able to meditate on Her formless form. There is also another view that this part is meant only for those who have just entered spiritual path, setting aside all the rituals. It is believed that they cannot easily contemplate on Her and in order to help them, Śaṁkarācārya has authored the second part known as Saundaryalaharī. Saundarya means beauty and lahari means large waves. Therefore, Soundarya laharī means waves of beauty. Some of these verses are too secretive and intimate in nature. The previous part is known as Ānandalaharī, the waves of Bliss. Naturally, a question arises, as to how a great saint like Śaṁkarācārya could describe Her feminine beauty in such a depth. It is only the mindset of the aspirants that count and the way they perceive Her. Misperception clearly indicates the immaturity of the aspirant and he has to tread a lot of distance to make an entry into spiritual path. A great saint like him looks at everything as Her Grace. He did not find any difference between wealth, women and logs. For him, everything is Brahman.

गतैर्माणिक्यत्वं गगनमणिभिः सान्द्रघटित

किरीटं ते हैमं हिमगिरिसुते कीर्तयति यः ।

स नीडेयच्छायाच्छुरणशबलं चन्द्रशकलं

धनुः शौनासीरं किमिति न निबध्नाति धिषणाम् ॥ ४२॥

gatai-rmāṇikyatvaṃ gaganamaṇibhiḥ sāndraghaṭitaṃ

kirīṭaṃ tē haimaṃ himagirisutē kīrtayati yaḥ ॥

sa nīḍēyachChāyā-chChuraṇa-śabalaṃ chandra-śakalaṃ

dhanuḥ śaunāsīraṃ kimiti na nibadhnāti dhiṣaṇāṃ ॥ 42 ॥

:O! Daughter of King of snow clad Mountains! Your golden crown closely embedded with gems, shine like twelve suns, which derive the colour of ruby. Will not the intelligent one, who sings Your praise see this reflection as the rays of moon causing rainbow?

Benefits : Has the effect of curing the disease of dropsy.

धुनोतु ध्वान्तं नस्तुलितदलितेन्दीवरवनं

घनस्निग्धश्लक्ष्णं चिकुरनिकुरुम्बं तव शिवे ।

यदीयं सौरभ्यं सहजमुपलब्धुं सुमनसो

वसन्त्यस्मिन् मन्ये वलमथनवाटीविटपिनाम् ॥ ४३॥

dhunōtu dhvāntaṃ na-stulita-daḻitēndīvara-vanaṃ

ghanasnigdha-ślakṣṇaṃ chikura nikurumbaṃ tava śivē ।

yadīyaṃ saurabhyaṃ sahaja-mupalabdhuṃ sumanasō

vasantyasmin-manyē valamathana vāṭī-viṭapinām ॥ 43 ॥

:O! Consort of Śiva! Your dark, thick, naturally fragrant, soft, lustrous hair appear like a forest of fully blossomed blue coloured lotus flowers, removes our darkness of ignorance. I presume that divine flowers in Indra’s garden live in your hair to get their fragrance.

Benefits : Gives success and popularity.

तनोतु क्षेमं नस्तव वदनसौन्दर्यलहरी-

परीवाहस्रोतःसरणिरिव सीमन्तसरणिः ।

वहन्ती सिन्दूरं प्रबलकबरीभारतिमिर-

द्विषां बृन्दैर्बन्दीकृतमिव नवीनार्ककिरणम् ॥ ४४॥

tanōtu kṣēmaṃ na-stava vadanasaundaryalaharī

parīvāhasrōtaḥ-saraṇiriva sīmantasaraṇiḥ।

vahantī- sindūraṃ prabalakabarī-bhāra-timira

dviṣāṃ bṛndai-rbandīkṛtamiva navīnārka kiraṇam ॥ 44 ॥

:Your thick and dark parting hair appearing like imprisoned enemies; the vermilion adorned on your parted hair appears like the sun at dawn. The centre of the parted portion appears like an overflowing stream, with the waves of beauty of Your face.

Benefits : Cures all diseases.

अरालैः स्वाभाव्यादलिकलभसश्रीभिरलकैः

परीतं ते वक्त्रं परिहसति पङ्केरुहरुचिम् ।

दरस्मेरे यस्मिन् दशनरुचिकिञ्जल्करुचिरे

सुगन्धौ माद्यन्ति स्मरदहनचक्षुर्मधुलिहः ॥ ४५॥

arālai svābhāvyā-dalikalabha-saśrībhi ralakaiḥ

parītaṃ tē vaktraṃ parihasati paṅkēruharuchim ।

darasmērē yasmin daśanaruchi kiñjalka-ruchirē

sugandhau mādyanti smaradahana chakṣu-rmadhulihaḥ ॥ 45 ॥

:Your face is surrounded by Your curly hair, appearing beautiful like a swarm of young bees, making mockery of the beauty of lotus flowers. Soft smile on Your face, which appears lustrous because of Your gleaming teeth, which are so fragrant, due to which these bees swarm around Your face, like the eyes of Śiva.

Benefits : Confers ability to foretell events.

ललाटं लावण्यद्युतिविमलमाभाति तव य-

द्द्वितीयं तन्मन्ये मकुटघटितं चन्द्रशकलम् ।

विपर्यासन्यासादुभयमपि संभूय च मिथः

सुधालेपस्यूतिः परिणमति राकाहिमकरः ॥ ४६॥

lalāṭaṃ lāvaṇya dyuti vimala-mābhāti tava yat

dvitīyaṃ tanmanyē makuṭaghaṭitaṃ chandraśakalam ।

viparyāsa-nyāsā dubhayamapi sambhūya cha mithaḥ

sudhālēpasyūtiḥ pariṇamati rākā-himakaraḥ ॥ 46 ॥

:I believe that spotless, splendorous and illuminating charm of Your forehead is another crescent moon fastened to Your crown upside-down and joining together both the ends (of these two crescent moons), appear like a full moon causing the secretion of ambrosia.

Benefits : Confers progeny.

भ्रुवौ भुग्ने किंचिद्भुवनभयभङ्गव्यसनिनि

त्वदीये नेत्राभ्यां मधुकररुचिभ्यां धृतगुणम् ।

धनुर्मन्ये सव्येतरकरगृहीतं रतिपतेः

प्रकोष्ठे मुष्टौ च स्थगयति निगूढान्तरमुमे ॥ ४७॥

bhruvau bhugnē kiñchidbhuvana-bhaya-bhaṅgavyasanini

tvadīyē nētrābhyāṃ madhukara-ruchibhyāṃ dhṛtaguṇam ।

dhanu rmanyē savyētarakara gṛhītaṃ ratipatēḥ

prakōṣṭē muṣṭau cha sthagayatē nigūḍhāntara-mumē ॥ 47 ॥

:O! Umā! You take great pains in dispelling the fear of all beings. I believe that your extraordinary and splendorous eyes appear like swarm of bees. Your slightly curved eyebrows appear like the bow of Manmatha, who holds his bow in his closed left palm and as a result of which, the middle part of the bow is hidden by his forearm and fists.

Benefits : Gods are pleased with one who recites this verse.

अहः सूते सव्यं तव नयनमर्कात्मकतया

त्रियामां वामं ते सृजति रजनीनायकतया ।

तृतीया ते दृष्टिर्दरदलितहेमाम्बुजरुचिः

समाधत्ते संध्यां दिवसनिशयोरन्तरचरीम् ॥ ४८॥

ahaḥ sūtē savya tava nayana-markātmakatayā

triyāmāṃ vāmaṃ tē sṛjati rajanīnāyakatayā ।

tṛtīyā tē dṛṣṭi-rdaradalita-hēmāmbuja-ruchiḥ

samādhattē sandhyāṃ divasar-niśayō-rantaracharīm ॥ 48 ॥

:Your right eye having the greatness of the sun brings daytime and Your left eye (having the greatness of the moon) presides over nights. Your third eye is the cause for twilight, which appears like a lusturous gold lotus flower, blossoming.

Benefits : Helps in counteracting adverse planetary influences.

विशाला कल्याणी स्फुटरुचिरयोध्या कुवलयैः

कृपाधाराधारा किमपि मधुराभोगवतिका ।

अवन्ती दृष्टिस्ते बहुनगरविस्तारविजया

ध्रुवं तत्तन्नामव्यवहरणयोग्या विजयते ॥ ४९॥

viśālā kalyāṇī sphutaruchi-rayōdhyā kuvalayaiḥ

kṛpādhārādhārā kimapi madhurābhōgavatikā ।

avantī dṛṣṭistē bahunagara-vistāra-vijayā

dhruvaṃ tattannāma-vyavaharaṇa-yōgyāvijayatē ॥ 49 ॥

:O! Parāśakti! Your wide eyes are full of auspiciousness appearing like fully blossomed beautiful and splendorous blue water lilies. They show continuous flow of compassion and inexplicable charm and causes blissfulness. They offer protection to the universe and appear multitude of victorious cities, each of them worthy of being recognized independently.

Benefits :  The devotee gets blessed with treasure.

कवीनां संदर्भस्तबकमकरन्दैकरसिकं

कटाक्षव्याक्षेपभ्रमरकलभौ कर्णयुगलम् ।

अमुञ्चन्तौ दृष्ट्वा तव नवरसास्वादतरला-

वसूयासंसर्गादलिकनयनं किंचिदरुणम् ॥ ५०॥

kavīnāṃ sandarbha-stabaka-makarandaika-rasikaṃ

kaṭākṣa-vyākṣēpa-bhramarakalabhau karṇayugalam ।

amuñchntau dṛṣṭvā tava navarasāsvāda-taralau

asūyā-saṃsargā-dalikanayanaṃ kiñchidaruṇam ॥ 50 ॥

:Your pair of eyes, during Your side glance extend up to Your ears appear like baby bees, as if they are consuming honey  dripping from the bunch of flowers, representing nine types of expressive emotions . On observing the proximity of Your eyes to this situation, Your third eye turns red due to jealousy.

Benefits : Recovery from an attack of small-pox is ensured.

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