Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Ananda Lahari 31-41

 चतुष्षष्ट्या तन्त्रैः सकलमतिसंधाय भुवनं

स्थितस्तत्तत्सिद्धिप्रसवपरतन्त्रैः पशुपतिः ।


स्वतन्त्रं ते तन्त्रं क्षितितलमवातीतरदिदम् ॥ ३१॥

chatuḥ-ṣaṣṭayā tantraiḥ sakala matisandhāya bhuvanaṃ

sthitastattta-siddhi prasava paratantraiḥ paśupatiḥ ।

punastva-nnirbandhā dakhila-puruṣārthaika ghaṭanā-

svatantraṃ tē tantraṃ kṣititala mavātītara-didam ॥ 31 ॥

: Śiva, by merely revealing sixty four tantra-s that are capable of conferring various psychic powers betrayed the world. But He, due to Your insistence, has subsequently revealed Your tantra, which is capable of conferring all the four human pursuits to the world of humanity.

Benefits : The practitioner becomes the favourite of all.

शिवः शक्तिः कामः क्षितिरथ रविः शीतकिरणः

स्मरो हंसः शक्रस्तदनु च परामारहरयः ।

अमी हृल्लेखाभिस्तिसृभिरवसानेषु घटिता

भजन्ते वर्णास्ते तव जननि नामावयवताम् ॥ ३२॥

śivaḥ śaktiḥ kāmaḥ kṣiti-ratha raviḥ śītakiraṇaḥ

smarō haṃsaḥ śakra-stadanu cha parā-māra-harayaḥ ।

amī hṛllēkhābhi-stisṛbhi-ravasānēṣu ghaṭitā

bhajantē varṇāstē tava janani nāmāvayavatām ॥ 32 ॥

:The letters (or Mantras) indicated by Siva, Sakti, Kama and Kshiti, by Ravi, Chandra, Smara, Hamsa, and Chakra, and by Para, Mara, and Hari, when joined at the end of each Pada with the particle - (Hrim) form, O divine mother, the limbs of certain aspects of Yours. 

Benefits : Confers success in all ventures.

स्मरं योनिं लक्ष्मीं त्रितयमिदमादौ तव मनो-

र्निधायैके नित्ये निरवधिमहाभोगरसिकाः ।

भजन्ति त्वां चिन्तामणिगुननिबद्धाक्षवलयाः

शिवाग्नौ जुह्वन्तः सुरभिघृतधाराहुतिशतैः ॥ ३३॥

smaraṃ yōniṃ lakṣmīṃ tritaya-mida-mādau tava manō

rnidhāyaikē nityē niravadhi-mahābhōga-rasikāḥ ।

bhajanti tvāṃ chintāmaṇi-guṇanibaddhākṣa-valayāḥ

śivāgnau juhvantaḥ surabhighṛta-dhārāhuti-śatai ॥ 33 ॥

:With a rosary of Chintamani beads and with offerings of the ghee of Kamadhenu in the fire of Siva, your devotees chant Your Mantra to attain Shivatva 

Benefits : The worshipper attains liberation.

शरीरं त्वं शम्भोः शशिमिहिरवक्षोरुहयुगं

तवात्मानं मन्ये भगवति नवात्मानमनघम् ।


स्थितः संबन्धो वां समरसपरानन्दपरयोः ॥ ३४॥

śarīraṃ tvaṃ śambhōḥ śaśi-mihira-vakṣōruha-yugaṃ

tavātmānaṃ manyē bhagavati navātmāna-managham ।

ataḥ śēṣaḥ śēṣītyaya-mubhaya-sādhāraṇatayā

sthitaḥ sambandhō vāṃ samarasa-parānanda-parayōḥ ॥ 34 ॥

:O! Parāśakti! Your appear as the body of Śiva, with Your twin bosoms of sun and moon. Therefore, I consider You as the sinless (meaning Pure) Śiva. The nine primary and secondary characteristics are common to both of You and both of You remain in the state of overwhelmed interdependency resulting in Blissful state.

Benefits : The practitioner gets clarity of thought on all matters.

मनस्त्वं व्योम त्वं मरुदसि मरुत्सारथिरसि

त्वमापस्त्वं भूमिस्त्वयि परिणतायां न हि परम् ।

त्वमेव स्वात्मानं परिणमयितुं विश्ववपुषा

चिदानन्दाकारं शिवयुवति भावेन बिभृषे ॥ ३५॥

manastvaṃ vyōma tvaṃ marudasi marutsārathi-rasi

tvamāpa-stvaṃ bhūmi-stvayi pariṇatāyāṃ na hi param ।

tvamēva svātmānaṃ pariṇmayituṃ viśva vapuṣā

chidānandākāraṃ śivayuvati bhāvēna bibhṛṣē ॥ 35 ॥

:You are the mind, space, air, fire, water, earth and there is nothing beyond these, as You have manifested in the form of the universe. You have assumed the role of Śiva’s Consort and manifest as Consciousness and Bliss.

Benefits :  The practitioner becomes a realized person, always remaining in a state of bliss.

तवाज्ञाचक्रस्थं तपनशशिकोटिद्युतिधरं

परं शम्भुं वन्दे परिमिलितपार्श्वं परचिता ।

यमाराध्यन् भक्त्या रविशशिशुचीनामविषये

निरालोकेऽलोके निवसति हि भालोकभुवने ॥ ३६॥

tavājñachakrasthaṃ tapana-śaśi kōṭi-dyutidharaṃ

paraṃ śambhu vandē parimilita-pārśvaṃ parachitā ।

yamārādhyan bhaktyā ravi śaśi śuchīnā-maviṣayē

nirālōkē lōkē nivasati hi bhālōka-bhuvanē ॥ 36 ॥

:I salute the Supreme Shambhu residing in Your aagnaa chakra, who is resplendent as millions of suns and moons put together, and whose (left) side is integrated with the Supreme Consciousness embodied as the Devi. He who adores Him with devotion lives in the Sahasrara, the effulgent world which needs no light and is beyond the grasp of all.

Benefits : Cures chronic disease and restores eyesight.

विशुद्धौ ते शुद्धस्फटिकविशदं व्योमजनकं

शिवं सेवे देवीमपि शिवसमानव्यवसिताम् ।

ययोः कान्त्या यान्त्याः शशिकिरणसारूप्यसरणे-

विधूतान्तर्ध्वान्ता विलसति चकोरीव जगती ॥ ३७॥

viśuddhau tē śuddhasphatika viśadaṃ vyōma-janakaṃ

śivaṃ sēvē dēvīmapi śivasamāna-vyavasitām ।

yayōḥ kāntyā yāntyāḥ śaśikiraṇ-sārūpyasaraṇē

vidhūtānta-rdhvāntā vilasati chakōrīva jagatī ॥ 37 ॥

:'Siva' here refers to Sadāśiva, the fifth in the order of Devas. This sloka means that just as the Chakora bird satisfies its hunger and thirst by consuming the rays of the moon, so the practitioner who contemplates on Sadāśiva and his consort in Visuddhichakra, gets all darkness dispelled from his mind and becomes ever-satisfied.

Benefits : Cures diseases caused by heat.

समुन्मीलत् संवित् कमलमकरन्दैकरसिकं

भजे हंसद्वन्द्वं किमपि महतां मानसचरम् ।


र्यदादत्ते दोषाद् गुणमखिलमद्भ्यः पय इव ॥ ३८॥

samunmīlat saṃvitkamala-makarandaika-rasikaṃ

bhajē haṃsadvandvaṃ kimapi mahatāṃ mānasacharaṃ ।


yadādattē dōṣād guṇa-makhila-madbhyaḥ paya iva ॥ 38 ॥

:May that union of Siva and Sakti which appears in my lotus-like heart like a cone of blazing fire, teach me the difference between both of them. 

Benefits : Gets relieved from evil possessions.

तव स्वाधिष्ठाने हुतवहमधिष्ठाय निरतं

तमीडे संवर्तं जननि महतीं तां च समयाम् ।

यदालोके लोकान् दहति महति क्रोधकलिते

दयार्द्रा या दृष्टिः शिशिरमुपचारं रचयति ॥ ३९॥

tava svādhiṣṭhānē hutavaha-madhiṣṭhāya nirataṃ

tamīḍē saṃvartaṃ janani mahatīṃ tāṃ cha samayām ।

yadālōkē lōkān dahati mahasi krōdha-kalitē

dayārdrā yā dṛṣṭiḥ śiśira-mupachāraṃ rachayati ॥ 39 ॥

:O! Parāśakti! I deeply adore Śiva, who causes the fire of annihilation in Your svātiṣṭhāna chakra. I adore You, the great one as Samaya. When His glance burns the universe, Your glance, full of compassion renders chillness, as treatment.

Benefits : Bad dreams will be avoided.

तटित्त्वन्तं शक्त्या तिमिरपरिपन्थिफुरणया

स्फुरन्नानारत्नाभरणपरिणद्धेन्द्रधनुषम् ।

तव श्यामं मेघं कमपि मणिपूरैकशरणं

निषेवे वर्षन्तं हरमिहिरतप्तं त्रिभुवनम् ॥ ४०॥

taṭitvantaṃ śaktyā timira-paripanthi-sphuraṇayā

sphura-nnā naratnābharaṇa-pariṇaddhēndra-dhanuṣam ।

tava śyāmaṃ mēghaṃ kamapi maṇipūraika-śaraṇaṃ

niṣēvē varṣantaṃ-haramihira-taptaṃ tribhuvanam ॥ 40 ॥

:I worship you in navel chakra as the one, appearing dark blue in colour and like a powerful lightning, that dispels darkness. The reflections of Your ornaments appear like a rainbow, cause rain to cool the three worlds, burnt by  Śiva.

Benefits : The practitioner will be able to foresee future events.

तवाधारे मूले सह समयया लास्यपरया

नवात्मानं मन्ये नवरसमहाताण्डवनटम् ।

उभाभ्यामेताभ्यामुदयविधिमुद्दिश्य दयया

सनाथाभ्यां जज्ञे जनकजननीमज्जगदिदम् ॥ ४१॥

tavādhārē mūlē saha samayayā lāsyaparayā

navātmāna manyē navarasa-mahātāṇḍava-naṭam ।

ubhābhyā mētābhyā-mudaya-vidhi muddiśya dayayā

sanāthābhyāṃ jajñē janaka jananīmat jagadidam ॥ 41 ॥

:I worship in mūlādhāra chakra, Śiva, who dances with nine types of expressions along with Samaya dancing with overwhelming emotions. When both of You unite out of compassion to create the universe and thus You become father and mother of the universe.

Benefits : Cures all diseases of stomach

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