Sunday, May 9, 2021

Ananda Lahari 21-30

 तटिल्लेखातन्वीं तपनशशिवैश्वानरमयीं

निषण्णां षण्णामप्युपरि कमलानां तव कलाम् ।

महापद्माटव्यां मृदितमलमायेन मनसा

महान्तः पश्यन्तो दधति परमाह्लादलहरीम् ॥ २१॥

taṭillēkhā-tanvīṃ tapana śaśi vaiśvānara mayīṃ

niṣṇṇāṃ ṣaṇṇāmapyupari kamalānāṃ tava kalāṃ ।

mahāpadmātavyāṃ mṛdita-malamāyēna manasā

mahāntaḥ paśyantō dadhati paramāhlāda-laharīm ॥ 21 ॥

:Great yogī-s, with their minds free from impurities of māyā, experience the powerful bliss by having Your vision in the form of streaks of lightning, sun, moon and fire appearing above the six chakras at sahasrāra.

Benefits : The devotee becomes the favourite of all.

भवानि त्वं दासे मयि वितर दृष्टिं सकरुणा-

मिति स्तोतुं वाञ्छन् कथयति भवानि त्वमिति यः ।

तदैव त्वं तस्मै दिशसि निजसायुज्यपदवीं

मुकुन्दब्रह्मेन्द्रस्फुटमकुटनीराजितपदाम् ॥ २२॥

bhavāni tvaṃ dāsē mayi vitara dṛṣṭiṃ sakaruṇāṃ

iti stōtuṃ vāñChan kathayati bhavāni tvamiti yaḥ ।

tadaiva tvaṃ tasmai diśasi nijasāyujya-padavīṃ

mukunda-bramhēndra sphuṭa makuṭa nīrājitapadām ॥ 22 ॥

:O! Bhavāni! The one who addresses You as Bhavāni seeking your compassion to bestow Your glance on him considering him as Your servant, is offered liberation by You instantaneously, even before he could complete the word Bhavāni.  The crowns of Viṣṇu, Brahmā, Indra, other gods and goddesses get the reflection of Your lotus feet and appear as if they perform ārati for You.”

Benefits : The devotee attains all worldly desires.

त्वया हृत्वा वामं वपुरपरितृप्तेन मनसा

शरीरार्धं शम्भोरपरमपि शङ्के हृतमभूत् ।

यदेतत्त्वद्रूपं सकलमरुणाभं त्रिनयनं

कुचाभ्यामानम्रं कुटिलशशिचूडालमकुटम् ॥ २३॥

tvayā hṛtvā vāmaṃ vapu-raparitṛptēna manasā

śarīrārdhaṃ śambhō-raparamapi śaṅkē hṛtamabhūt ।

yadētat tvadrūpaṃ sakalamaruṇābhaṃ trinayanaṃ

kuchābhyāmānamraṃ kuṭila-śaśichūḍāla-makuṭam ॥ 23 ॥

:Not being satisfied in owning the left side of Śiva, I apprehend that You have taken away His right side too, as Your present form is reddish in complexion with three eyes and marginally bent forward due to the heaviness of Your bosoms with a slightly curved crown with crescent moon in it.

Benefits : Cures all diseases and relieves one from debts.

जगत्सूते धाता हरिरवति रुद्रः क्षपयते

तिरस्कुर्वन्नेतत्स्वमपि वपुरीशस्तिरयति ।

सदापूर्वः सर्वं तदिदमनुगृह्णाति च शिव-

स्तवाज्ञामालम्ब्य क्षणचलितयोर्भ्रूलतिकयोः ॥ २४॥

jagatsūtē dhātā hariravati rudraḥ kṣapayatē

tiraskurva-nnētat svamapi vapu-rīśa-stirayati ।

sadā pūrvaḥ sarvaṃ tadida manugṛhṇāti cha śiva-

stavājñā malambya kṣaṇachalitayō rbhrūlatikayōḥ ॥ 24 ॥

:Brahmā creates the universe, which is sustained by Viṣṇu and destroyed by Rudra. Īśa absorbs all the three into His Self, who in turn is absorbed by Sadāśiva. Only a momentary movement of Your creeper like eyebrows is construed as Your command to bless them again for recreation.

Benefits : Bhutas,  prethas and other evil entities are driven away by chanting this sloka.

त्रयाणां देवानां त्रिगुणजनितानां तव शिवे

भवेत् पूजा पूजा तव चरणयोर्या विरचिता ।

तथा हि त्वत्पादोद्वहनमणिपीठस्य निकटे

स्थिता ह्येते शश्वन्मुकुलितकरोत्तंसमकुटाः ॥ २५॥

trayāṇāṃ dēvānāṃ triguṇa-janitānāṃ tava śivē

bhavēt pūjā pūjā tava charaṇayō-ryā virachitā ।

tathā hi tvatpādōdvahana-maṇipīṭhasya nikaṭē

sthitā hyētē-śaśvanmukulita karōttaṃsa-makuṭāḥ ॥ 25 ॥

:O! Auspicious Parāśakti! When Your sacred feet are worshipped, that worship becomes equal to worshiping the three Gods, Brahmā, Viṣṇu and Śiva, the embodiments of Your three guṇa-s, who always stand close to Your gem decked foot pedestal by holding their hands above their heads.

Benefits : The highest place of honour and dignity is secured by chanting this sloka.

विरिञ्चिः पञ्चत्वं व्रजति हरिराप्नोति विरतिं

विनाशं कीनाशो भजति धनदो याति निधनम् ।

वितन्द्री माहेन्द्री विततिरपि संमीलितदृशा

महासंहारेऽस्मिन् विहरति सति त्वत्पतिरसौ ॥ २६॥

viriñchiḥ pañchatvaṃ vrajati harirāpnōti viratiṃ

vināśaṃ kīnāśō bhajati dhanadō yāti nidhanam ।

vitandrī māhēndrī-vitatirapi saṃmīlita-dṛśā

mahāsaṃhārēsmin viharati sati tvatpati rasau ॥ 26 ॥

:O! Faithful Consort of Śiva! At the time of great dissolution, Brahmā, Viṣṇu, Yama, Kubera, Indra and other gods cease to exist. But Your Consort Śiva alone enjoys with You even during the great dissolution.

Benefits : The practitioner will be enabled to conquer all his enemies.

जपो जल्पः शिल्पं सकलमपि मुद्राविरचना

गतिः प्रादक्षिण्यक्रमणमशनाद्याहुतिविधिः ।


सपर्यापर्यायस्तव भवतु यन्मे विलसितम् ॥ २७॥

japō jalpaḥ śilpaṃ sakalamapi mudrāvirachanā

gatiḥ prādakṣiṇya-kramaṇa-maśanādyā huti-vidhiḥ ।

praṇāmaḥ saṃvēśaḥ sukhamakhila-mātmārpaṇa-dṛśā

saparyā paryāya-stava bhavatu yanmē vilasitam ॥ 27 ॥

:Let my speech be your japa, my movement of hands be your mudras, my locomotion be circumambulation for you, my eating and drinking be fire oblations for you, my lying down be prostrations for you, all my enjoyments be my surrender to You and let these actions of mine become the main part of Your worship.

Benefits : Leads to Atmagnana (knowledge of self).

सुधामप्यास्वाद्य प्रतिभयजरामृत्युहरिणीं

विपद्यन्ते विश्वे विधिशतमखाद्या दिविषदः ।

करालं यत्क्ष्वेलं कबलितवतः कालकलना

न शम्भोस्तन्मूलं तव जननि ताटङ्कमहिमा ॥ २८॥

sudhāmapyāsvādya prati-bhaya-jaramṛtyu-hariṇīṃ

vipadyantē viśvē vidhi-śatamakhādyā diviṣadaḥ ।

karālaṃ yat kṣvēlaṃ kabalitavataḥ kālakalanā

na śambhōstanmūlaṃ tava janani tāṭaṅka mahimā ॥ 28 ॥

:O! Divine Mother! Even after drinking the nectar that confers immunity from the dreadful old age and ultimate death, Brahmā, Indra and other gods and goddesses perish at the time of annihilation. But Śiva, even after consuming that dreadful poison, does not get destroyed and the root cause for this is the power of Your ear ornaments.

Benefits : Becomes capable of taming even wild men and bring them to their senses.

किरीटं वैरिञ्चं परिहर पुरः कैटभभिदः

कठोरे कोटीरे स्खलसि जहि जम्भारिमुकुटम् ।

प्रणम्रेष्वेतेषु प्रसभमुपयातस्य भवनं

भवस्याभ्युत्थाने तव परिजनोक्तिर्विजयते ॥ २९॥

kirīṭaṃ vairiñchaṃ parihara puraḥ kaiṭabhabhidaḥ

kaṭhōrē kōṭhīrē skalasi jahi jambhāri-makuṭam ।

praṇamrēṣvētēṣu prasabha-mupayātasya bhavanaṃ

bhavasyabhyutthānē tava parijanōkti-rvijayatē ॥ 29 ॥

:While Brahmā, Viṣṇu, Indra and other gods and goddesses are prostrating before you, Śiva arrived suddenly at Your Abode. In order to welcome Him, You rush towards Him and Your attendants caution You to keep away from the crowns of these gods who are prostrating before You, as You could stumble upon the hard crowns worn by them.

Benefits : The practitioner attains Ashtama Siddhis.


निषेव्ये नित्ये त्वामहमिति सदा भावयति यः ।

किमाश्चर्यं तस्य त्रिनयनसमृद्धिं तृणयतो

महासंवर्ताग्निर्विरचयति नीराजनविधिम् ॥ ३०॥


niṣēvyē nityē tvā mahamiti sadā bhāvayati yaḥ ।

kimāścharyaṃ tasya trinayana-samṛddhiṃ tṛṇayatō

mahāsaṃvartāgni-rvirachayati nīrājanavidhiṃ ॥ 30 ॥

:O Mother Eternal ! By ever meditating You, surrounded by divine powers like 'animaa' which are only rays emanating from Your feet, a devotee attains glories far above even those of Shiva. No wonder that the flames of the Cosmic Dissolution prove only to be the adoration by waving lights.

Benefits : Attainment of Physical power and control of senses

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