Saturday, May 8, 2021

Ananda Lahari 11-20


चतुर्भिः श्रीकण्ठैः शिवयुवतिभिः पञ्चभिरपि

प्रभिन्नाभिः शम्भोर्नवभिरपि मूलप्रकृतिभिः ।


त्रिरेखाभिः सार्धं तव शरणकोणाः परिणताः ॥ ११॥

chaturbhiḥ śrīkaṇṭhaiḥ śivayuvatibhiḥ pañchabhirapi

prabhinnābhiḥ śambhōrnavabhirapi mūlaprakṛtibhiḥ ।


trirēkhabhiḥ sārdhaṃ tava śaraṇakōṇāḥ pariṇatāḥ ॥ 11 ॥

:Thy abode of nine angles-four of Siva and five of Sakti- together with eight petals, sixteen leaves, three roundings and three walls, enlarges itself into one of forty-four angles!These nine angles by their action and interaction form the immediate cause for the manifestation of the universe. The formation of the Srichakra is here described.

Benefits : The devotee is blessed with progeny.

त्वदीयं सौन्दर्यं तुहिनगिरिकन्ये तुलयितुं

कवीन्द्राः कल्पन्ते कथमपि विरिञ्चिप्रभृतयः ।

यदालोकौत्सुक्यादमरललना यान्ति मनसा

तपोभिर्दुष्प्रापामपि गिरिशसायुज्यपदवीम् ॥ १२॥

tvadīyaṃ saundaryaṃ tuhinagirikanyē tulayituṃ

kavīndrāḥ kalpantē kathamapi viriñchi-prabhṛtayaḥ ।

yadālōkautsukyā-damaralalanā yānti manasā

tapōbhirduṣprāpāmapi giriśa-sāyujya-padavīm ॥ 12 ॥

:The merger of Siva and Sakthi in the Sahasrara is called the Sayujya state. The Deva women, anxious to get at the transcendental beauty of the Presiding Deity, try to gain the essential stage of merging themselves into Sadasiva in the Sahasrara. This union cannot be effected by Tapas or similar means; the only way is to lead the Kundalini step by step to Sahasrara by the Mantric process.

Benefits :  The devotee gets blessed with poetic eloquence.

नरं वर्षीयांसं नयनविरसं नर्मसु जडं

तवापाङ्गालोके पतितमनुधावन्ति शतशः ।

गलद्वेणीबन्धाः कुचकलशविस्रस्तसिचया

हठात् त्रुट्यत्काञ्च्यो विगलितदुकूला युवतयः ॥ १३॥

naraṃ varṣīyāṃsaṃ nayanavirasaṃ narmasu jaḍaṃ

tavāpāṅgālōkē patita-manudhāvanti śataśaḥ ।

galadvēṇībandhāḥ kuchakalaśa-vistrista-sichayā

haṭāt truṭyatkāñyō vigalita-dukūlā yuvatayaḥ ॥ 13 ॥

:As you are reputed as Kaameshvari, as your benign and nectar like glances fall on any human being- be he an extremely old or decrepit or useless or beggar or even a eunuch or villainous and wicked or seemingly virtuous, lose their consciouness and get entranced.

Benefits : Gets the power to fascinate people.

क्षितौ षट्पञ्चाशद् द्विसमधिकपञ्चाशदुदके

हुताशे द्वाषष्टिश्चतुरधिकपञ्चाशदनिले ।

दिवि द्विष्षट्त्रिंशन्मनसि च चतुष्षष्टिरिति ये

मयूखास्तेषामप्युपरि तव पादाम्बुजयुगम् ॥ १४॥

kṣitau ṣaṭpañchāśad-dvisamadhika-pañchāśa-dudakē

hutaśē dvāṣaṣṭi-śchaturadhika-pañchāśa-danilē ।

divi dviḥ ṣaṭ triṃśan manasi cha chatuḥṣaṣṭiriti yē

mayūkhā-stēṣā-mapyupari tava pādāmbuja-yugam ॥ 14 ॥

:Thy lotus feet are far above the fifty-six rays of the Bhutatva, the fifty-two of the Ap-tatva, the sixty-two of the Agni-tatva, the fifty-four of the Vayu-tatva, the seventy-two of the Ak asa-tatva, and the sixty-four of the Mano-tatva in the middle of the eye-brow.

Benefits : Gives protection against infectious epidemic diseases, that are virulent and especially  devastating.

शरज्ज्योत्स्नाशुद्धां शशियुतजटाजूटमकुटां

वरत्रासत्राणस्फटिकघटिकापुस्तककराम् ।

सकृन्न त्वा नत्वा कथमिव सतां संन्निदधते

मधुक्षीरद्राक्षामधुरिमधुरीणाः भणितयः ॥ १५॥

śarajjyōtsnā śuddhāṃ śaśiyuta-jaṭājūṭa-makuṭāṃ

vara-trāsa-trāṇa-sphaṭikaghuṭikā-pustaka-karām ।

sakṛnna tvā natvā kathamiva satāṃ sannidadhatē

madhu-kṣīra-drākṣā-madhurima-dhurīṇāḥ phaṇitayaḥ ॥ 15 ॥

:You are adorned with a ‘jataajuta kireeta’. You are the pustaka dhaarini being the icon of ‘Jnaana vigjnaana’ or knowledge and wisdom. Your hands and fingers postulate Vara Mudra for distributing boons and Abhaya Mudra for assuring shelter and protection . Your devout worshippers exclusively and always offer to you only sweet items like honeyed ‘ksheera’, fresh and ripe ‘draaksha’ and such fruits besides SWEET POETRY in admiration and ecstasy during your worship.

Benefits : Enables one to become a great poet and attain all knowledge.

कवीन्द्राणां चेतःकमलवनबालातपरुचिं

भजन्ते ये सन्तः कतिचिदरुणामेव भवतीम् ।


गभीराभिर्वाग्भिर्विदधति सतां रञ्जनममी ॥ १६॥

kavīndrāṇāṃ chētaḥ kamalavana-bālātapa-ruchiṃ

bhajantē yē santaḥ katichidaruṇāmēva bhavatīm ।

viriñchi-prēyasyā-staruṇatara-śṛṅgāra laharī-

gabhīrābhi-rvāgbhiḥ rvidadhati satāṃ rañjanamamī ॥ 16 ॥

:Those devoted men who adore Thee become capable of delighting the minds of assemblies of literary connoisseurs with the majestic flow of their words surging like waves of erotic sentiments emanating from youthful Saraswathi; the Goddess of Learning."

Benefits : The devotee gains Vedic knowledge.

सवित्रीभिर्वाचां शशिमणिशिलाभङ्गरुचिभिः

वशिन्याद्याभिस्त्वां सह जननि संचिन्तयति यः ।

स कर्ता काव्यानां भवति महतां भङ्गिरुचिभिः

वचोभिर्वाग्देवीवदनकमलामोदमधुरैः ॥ १७॥

savitrībhi-rvāchāṃ chaśi-maṇi śilā-bhaṅga ruchibhi-

rvaśinyadyābhi-stvāṃ saha janani sañchintayati yaḥ ।

sa kartā kāvyānāṃ bhavati mahatāṃ bhaṅgiruchibhi-

rvachōbhi-rvāgdēvī-vadana-kamalāmōda madhuraiḥ ॥ 17 ॥

:O Mother! Those who meditate on Thee in association with Vashini and allied deities- who are all the sources of speech can become the authors of great poetical works.

Benefits : Gains knowledge of all sashtras.

तनुच्छायाभिस्ते तरुणतरणिश्रीसरणिभिः

दिवं सर्वामुर्वीमरुणिमनि मग्नां स्मरति यः ।

भवन्त्यस्य त्रस्यद्वनहरिणशालीननयनाः

सहोर्वश्या वश्याः कति कति न गीर्वाणगणिकाः ॥ १८॥

tanuchChāyābhistē taruṇa-taraṇi-śrīsaraṇibhi-

rdivaṃ sarvā-murvī-maruṇimani magnāṃ smarati yaḥ ।

bhavantyasya trasya-dvanahariṇa-śālīna-nayanāḥ

sahōrvaśyā vaśyāḥ kati kati na gīrvāṇa-gaṇikāḥ ॥ 18 ॥

:How can numerous celestial courtesans including Urvashi,  do not become fascinated by a person who meditates on the beauty of Thy form which bathes the heaven and the earth in its crimson radiance resembling the rising sun!"

Benefits : Gains mastery over fine arts.

मुखं बिन्दुं कृत्वा कुचयुगमधस्तस्य तदधो

हरार्धं ध्यायेद्यो हरमहिषि ते मन्मथकलाम् ।

स सद्यः संक्षोभं नयति वनिता इत्यतिलघु

त्रिलोकीमप्याशु भ्रमयति रवीन्दुस्तनयुगाम् ॥ १९॥

mukhaṃ binduṃ kṛtvā kuchayugamadha-stasya tadadhō

harārdhaṃ dhyāyēdyō haramahiṣi tē manmathakalām ।

sa sadyaḥ saṅkṣōbhaṃ nayati vanitā ityatilaghu

trilōkīmapyāśu bhramayati ravīndu-stanayugām ॥ 19 ॥

:The one who meditates on you,  with Your face as bindu; below Your face, Your two bosoms and still below that, the triangle, the creative aspect of Śiva,  creates waves of emotion in the minds of women.

Benefits : Victory in love.

किरन्तीमङ्गेभ्यः किरणनिकुरम्बामृतरसं

हृदि त्वामाधत्ते हिमकरशिलामूर्तिमिव यः ।

स सर्पाणां दर्पं शमयति शकुन्ताधिप इव

ज्वरप्लुष्टान् दृष्ट्या सुखयति सुधाधारसिरया ॥ २०॥

kirantī-maṅgēbhyaḥ kiraṇa-nikurumbamṛtarasaṃ

hṛdi tvā mādhattē himakaraśilā-mūrtimiva yaḥ ।

sa sarpāṇāṃ darpaṃ śamayati śakuntadhipa iva

jvarapluṣṭān dṛṣṭyā sukhayati sudhādhārasirayā ॥ 20 ॥

:The one who meditates on Your form as sculptured in moonstone, visualising the flow of ambrosia like a stream, radiating from the rays emanating from Your body, his mere looks alone will cure the ailments.

Benefits : The chanting of this sloka is an antidote to all kinds of poisons.

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