Sunday, May 2, 2021

Ananda Lahari 1-10

Ananda Lahari begins with the unity of Shiva and Shakthi.

शिवः शक्त्या युक्तो यदि भवति शक्तः प्रभवितुं
न चेदेवं देवो न खलु कुशलः स्पन्दितुमपि ।
अतस्त्वामाराध्यां हरिहरविरिञ्चादिभिरपि
प्रणन्तुं स्तोतुं वा कथमकृतपुण्यः प्रभवति ॥ १॥

śivaḥ śaktyā yuktō yadi bhavati śaktaḥ prabhavituṃ
na chēdēvaṃ dēvō na khalu kuśalaḥ spanditumapi।
atastvām ārādhyāṃ hari-hara-virinchādibhi rapi
praṇantuṃ stōtuṃ vā katha-makrta puṇyaḥ prabhavati॥ 1 ॥

:Siva is able to create only when he is united with Sakti; otherwise, the Deva cannot even move about. Therefore, is it possible for those who have not done good Karma either to worship or praise Her,  who's worshipped even by Hari, Hara, Brahma and others?

Benefits : One gets all prosperity in life and solutions to intricate problems.

तनीयांसं पांसुं तव चरणपङ्केरुहभवं
विरिञ्चिस्सञ्चिन्वन् विरचयति लोकानविकलम् ।
वहत्येनं शौरिः कथमपि सहस्रेण शिरसां
हरस्संक्षुद्यैनं भजति भसितोद्धूलनविधिम् ॥ २॥

tanīyāṃsuṃ pāṃsuṃ tava charaṇa paṅkēruha-bhavaṃ
viriñchiḥ sañchinvan virachayati lōkā-navikalam ।
vahatyēnaṃ śauriḥ kathamapi sahasrēṇa śirasāṃ
haraḥ saṅkṣud-yainaṃ bhajati bhasitōddhūḻa navidhim॥ 2 ॥

:With an infinitesimally small atom of the dust from Thy lotus feet, Brahma has created this (vast) universe, which with great effort and in multifarious ways Vishnu sustains: while Siva smears himself with it (dust) as holy ashes.

Benefits : Gaining vast influence over others and fascination of those around.

जडानां चैतन्य-स्तबक-मकरन्द-स्रुतिझरी ।
दरिद्राणां चिन्तामणिगुणनिका जन्मजलधौ
निमग्नानां दंष्ट्रा मुररिपु-वराहस्य भवति ॥ ३॥

avidyānā-manta-stimira-mihira dvīpanagarī
jaḍānāṃ chaitanya-stabaka makaranda śrutijharī ।
daridrāṇāṃ chintāmaṇi guṇanikā janmajaladhau
nimagnānāṃ daṃṣṭrā muraripu varāhasya bhavati॥ 3 ॥

:The worship of Sakti dispels the ignorance of the devotee. If he understands the true nature of the Deity, it affords him infinite Bliss. All his desires will be fulfilled, and he will be enabled to corss the ocean of Samsara . Thus although different forms of worship are adopted, the Deity is all the same, ever one and unchanging.

Benefits :  The devotee will be blessed with Vidya (knowledge).

त्वदन्यः पाणिभ्यामभयवरदो दैवतगणः
त्वमेका नैवासि प्रकटितवराभीत्यभिनया ।
भयात् त्रातुं दातुं फलमपि च वाञ्छासमधिकं
शरण्ये लोकानां तव हि चरणावेव निपुणौ ॥ ४॥

tvadanyaḥ pāṇibhayā-mabhayavaradō daivatagaṇaḥ
tvamēkā naivāsi prakaṭita-varabhītyabhinayā ।
bhayāt trātuṃ dātuṃ phalamapi cha vāñChāsamadhikaṃ
śaraṇyē lōkānāṃ tava hi charaṇāvēva nipuṇau ॥ 4 ॥

:While with their hands, the hosts of Devas protect their devotees from fear and grant their desires,  you can do the same, with your feet alone. 

Benefits : All diseases will be cured and immunity from sickness secured.

हरिस्त्वामाराध्य प्रणतजनसौभाग्यजननीं
पुरा नारी भूत्वा पुररिपुमपि क्षोभमनयत् ।
स्मरोऽपि त्वां नत्वा रतिनयनलेह्येन वपुषा
मुनीनामप्यन्तः प्रभवति हि मोहाय महताम् ॥ ५॥

haristvāmāradhya praṇata-jana-saubhāgya-jananīṃ
purā nārī bhūtvā puraripumapi kṣōbha manayat ।
smarōpi tvāṃ natvā ratinayana-lēhyēna vapuṣā
munīnāmapyantaḥ prabhavati hi mōhāya mahatām ॥ 5 ॥

:This verse gives examples of some of the wonderful and otherwise impossible feats accomplished by the blessings of Sakti.  The Pur ānas say that Vishnu assumed the form of Mohini (the female bewitcher) - Mohini Avatāra-to draw away the attention of the Daityas from the nectar obtained by churning the milky ocean. This was possible only with Her  blessings. 

Benefits : The devotee is endowed with the charm to fascinate people around him.

धनुः पौष्पं मौर्वी मधुकरमयी पञ्च विशिखाः
वसन्तः सामन्तो मलयमरुदायोधनरथः ।
तथाप्येकः सर्वं हिमगिरिसुते कामपि कृपाम्
अपाङ्गात्ते लब्ध्वा जगदिद-मनङ्गो विजयते ॥ ६॥

dhanuḥ pauṣpaṃ maurvī madhukaramayī pañcha viśikhāḥ
vasantaḥ sāmantō malayamaru-dāyōdhana-rathaḥ ।
tathāpyēkaḥ sarvaṃ himagirisutē kāmapi kṛpāṃ
apāṅgāttē labdhvā jagadida-manaṅgō vijayatē ॥ 6 ॥

:Manmatha's Sthüla (physical) body was burnt down by Siva. His subtle body is visible only to his wife Rathi. Hence he is called here bodiless.'  He has no tangible body to stand firm and has no strong or sharp war implements. The five flowers used by Manmatha as arrows are the lotus, asoka, mango, mallika (Jasmine) and blue lotus.    He  is able to conquer the whole world because you have favoured him. 

Benefits :  Generates procreative energy.

क्वणत्काञ्चीदामा करिकलभकुम्भस्तननता
परिक्षीणा मध्ये परिणतशरच्चन्द्रवदना ।
धनुर्बाणान् पाशं सृणिमपि दधाना करतलैः
पुरस्तादास्तां नः पुरमथितुराहोपुरुषिका ॥ ७॥

kvaṇatkāñchī-dāmā kari kalabha kumbha-stananatā
parikṣīṇā madhyē pariṇata śarachchandra-vadanā ।
dhanurbāṇān pāśaṃ sṛṇimapi dadhānā karatalaiḥ
purastā dāstāṃ naḥ puramathitu rāhō-puruṣikā ॥ 7 ॥

:The Murti form of Sakthi is referred to in this verse . In this form,  Sakthi is seated in the Manipura Chakra where  She is worshipped. This is the eternal aspect of Sakti, and her manifestation in this form is considered far superior to all others.

Benefits : Gives protection from enemies.

सुधासिन्धोर्मध्ये सुरविटपिवाटीपरिवृते
मणिद्वीपे नीपोपवनवति चिन्तामणिगृहे ।
शिवाकारे मञ्चे परमशिवपर्यङ्कनिलयां
भजन्ति त्वां धन्याः कतिचन चिदानन्दलहरीम् ॥ ८॥

sudhāsindhōrmadhyē suraviṭa-pivāṭī-parivṛtē
maṇidvīpē nīpō-pavanavati chintāmaṇi gṛhē ।
śivakārē mañchē paramaśiva-paryaṅka nilayām
bhajanti tvāṃ dhanyāḥ katichana chidānanda-laharīm ॥ 8 ॥

: Fortunate are they, the few that worship you as a Being who by nature is Chit (Consciousness) and Ananda (Bliss), seated on the cushion of Paramasiva which is spread on the cot of Siva in the house made of Chintamani, situated in the garden of Nipa trees on the island of gems, surrounded by Kalpaka trees in the ocean of nectar.

Benefits : Gives freedom from the bonds of samsara.

महीं मूलाधारे कमपि मणिपूरे हुतवहं
स्थितं स्वाधिष्ठाने हृदि मरुतमाकाशमुपरि ।
मनोऽपि भ्रूमध्ये सकलमपि भित्वा कुलपथं
सहस्रारे पद्मे सह रहसि पत्या विहरसे ॥ ९॥

mahīṃ mūlādhārē kamapi maṇipūrē hutavahaṃ
sthitaṃ svadhiṣṭānē hṛdi maruta-mākāśa-mupari ।
manōpi bhrūmadhyē sakalamapi bhitvā kulapathaṃ
sahasrārē padmē sa harahasi patyā viharasē ॥ 9 ॥

:The worship enjoined in this verse is called Antaryaga (inner worship). This is called the esoteric or secret form of worship as contrasted with the exoteric or physical (outside) worship of images and symbols. By passing through all the Tatva centres, the practitioner gains control over the Tatva or element denoted by that centre. After Her ascension,  Sakthi now plays with Her Lord in a secluded place in the Sahasrara. 

Benefits : Gives control over the panchabhutas.

प्रपञ्चं सिञ्चन्ती पुनरपि रसाम्नायमहसः ।
अवाप्य स्वां भूमिं भुजगनिभमध्युष्टवलयं
स्वमात्मानं कृत्वा स्वपिषि कुलकुण्डे कुहरिणि ॥ १०॥

prapañchaṃ siñcantī punarapi rasāmnāya-mahasaḥ।
avāpya svāṃ bhūmiṃ bhujaganibha-madhyuṣṭha-valayaṃ
sva mātmānaṃ kṛtvā svapiṣi kulakuṇḍē kuhariṇi ॥ 10 ॥

:Bedewing the whole of my body with the nectar flowing in continual drops from thy feet (in Sahasrara) and returning to thy own place through Chandra Nadi, now again you go to sleep in the hole of Kulakunda, forming thy body like that of a coiled serpent.

Benefits : Purification of the body and good formation thereof to suit higher developments, is endowed

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