Saturday, May 15, 2021

Soundarya Lahari 91-100


स्खलन्तस्ते खेलं भवनकलहंसा न जहति ।

अतस्तेषां शिक्षां सुभगमणिमञ्जीररणित-

च्छलादाचक्षाणं चरणकमलं चारुचरिते ॥ ९१॥

padanyāsa-krīḍā parichaya-mivārabdhu-manasaḥ

skhalantastē khēlaṃ bhavanakalahaṃsā na jahati ।

atastēṣāṃ śikṣāṃ subhagamaṇi-mañjīra-raṇita-

chChalādāchakṣāṇaṃ charaṇakamalaṃ chārucharitē ॥ 91 ॥

:O Goddess of graceful gait!The royal swans in Your household are never abandoning their  effort to observe Your gait for correcting their own defective ways. And Your lotus feet are, it seems, giving instructions to them in the guise of tinkling sounds of the anklets on them, studded with precious stones.

Benefits : Becomes acquainted with great scholars. 

गतास्ते मञ्चत्वं द्रुहिणहरिरुद्रेश्वरभृतः

शिवः स्वच्छच्छायाघटितकपटप्रच्छदपटः ।

त्वदीयानां भासां प्रतिफलनरागारुणतया

शरीरी श‍ृङ्गारो रस इव दृशां दोग्धि कुतुकम् ॥ ९२॥

gatāstē mañchatvaṃ druhiṇa hari rudrēśvara bhṛtaḥ

śivaḥ svachCha-chChāyā-ghaṭita-kapaṭa-prachChadapaṭaḥ ।

tvadīyānāṃ bhāsāṃ pratiphalana rāgāruṇatayā

śarīrī śṛṅgārō rasa iva dṛśāṃ dōgdhi kutukam ॥ 92 ॥

:Your functionaries Brahma, Vishnu,Rudra and Ishvara have taken the shape of the four legs of Your cot in order to serve You very closely. And Sadashiva has formed Himself into Your bedspread, reflecting Your crimson glory in His lustrous whiteness, thereby causing amazement  by presenting Himself as the very embodiment of erotic sentiment.

Benefits : Recovery of lost property.

अराला केशेषु प्रकृतिसरला मन्दहसिते

शिरीषाभा चित्ते दृषदुपलशोभा कुचतटे ।

भृशं तन्वी मध्ये पृथुरुरसिजारोहविषये

जगत्त्रातुं शम्भोर्जयति करुणा काचिदरुणा ॥ ९३॥

arālā kēśēṣu prakṛti saralā mandahasitē

śirīṣābhā chittē dṛṣadupalaśōbhā kuchataṭē ।

bhṛśaṃ tanvī madhyē pṛthu-rurasijārōha viṣayē

jagattratuṃ śambhō-rjayati karuṇā kāchidaruṇā ॥ 93 ॥

:Curly in hair and inherently artless in smile, heart soft as the 'sireesha' flower, breasts as tight and hard like a grinding stone, waist extremely slender, hips and breasts generous in size, the indescribable 'aruna shakthi', the grace of Shiva, shines gloriously for the protection of the Universe.

Benefits : Fulfilment of all desires.

कलङ्कः कस्तूरी रजनिकरबिम्बं जलमयं

कलाभिः कर्पूरैर्मरकतकरण्डं निबिडितम् ।

अतस्त्वद्भोगेन प्रतिदिनमिदं रिक्तकुहरं

विधिर्भूयो भूयो निबिडयति नूनं तव कृते ॥ ९४॥

kalaṅkaḥ kastūrī rajanikara bimbaṃ jalamayaṃ

kalābhiḥ karpūrai-rmarakatakaraṇḍaṃ nibiḍitam ।

atastvadbhōgēna pratidinamidaṃ riktakuharaṃ

vidhi-rbhūyō bhūyō nibiḍayati nūnaṃ tava kṛtē ॥ 94 ॥

:The dark mark on the moon is musk. (A substance with a strong smell that is used in making some perfumes. It is produced naturally by a type of male deer)

The moon’s watery orbit is the emerald cup. Rays of the moon are the edible camphor in the emerald cup that is filled to its brim. When the cup becomes empty by Your usage,(refers to Her bath) Brahmā repeatedly fills the cup for Your sake.

Benefits : Getting moksha.

पुरारातेरन्तःपुरमसि ततस्त्वच्चरणयोः

सपर्यामर्यादा तरलकरणानामसुलभा ।

तथा ह्येते नीताः शतमखमुखाः सिद्धिमतुलां

तव द्वारोपान्तस्थितिभिरणिमाद्याभिरमराः ॥ ९५॥

purārantē-rantaḥ puramasi tata-stvacharaṇayōḥ

saparyā-maryādā taralakaraṇānā-masulabhā ।

tathā hyētē nītāḥ śatamakhamukhāḥ siddhimatulāṃ

tava dvārōpāntaḥ sthitibhi-raṇimādyābhi-ramarāḥ ॥ 95 ॥

:You are the leading lady of the home of Lord Shiva. Therefore,  the privilege of  coming near you and worshipping at your feet, is unattainable to those who do not have control of their senses. This, probably, is the reason why, Gods like Indra are reduced to the status of worshipping Her at the door step by Anima and other siddhi devis who guard the gates of Srichakra.

Benefits : Wounds are healed.

कलत्रं वैधात्रं कतिकति भजन्ते न कवयः

श्रियो देव्याः को वा न भवति पतिः कैरपि धनैः ।

महादेवं हित्वा तव सति सतीनामचरमे

कुचाभ्यामासङ्गः कुरवकतरोरप्यसुलभः ॥ ९६॥

kalatraṃ vaidhātraṃ katikati bhajantē na kavayaḥ

śriyō dēvyāḥ kō vā na bhavati patiḥ kairapi dhanaiḥ ।

mahādēvaṃ hitvā tava sati satīnā-macharamē

kuchabhyā-māsaṅgaḥ kuravaka-tarō-rapyasulabhaḥ ॥ 96 ॥

:Innumerable poets have attained goddess Sarasvatī. Similarly those with a little wealth court goddess Lakṣmī. But You, foremost amongst the chaste women cannot be touched, even by henna tree.

Benefits : Gives peace of mind.

गिरामाहुर्देवीं द्रुहिणगृहिणीमागमविदो

हरेः पत्नीं पद्मां हरसहचरीमद्रितनयाम् ।

तुरीया कापि त्वं दुरधिगमनिःसीममहिमा

महामाया विश्वं भ्रमयसि परब्रह्ममहिषि ॥ ९७॥

girāmāhu-rdēvīṃ druhiṇagṛhiṇī-māgamavidō

harēḥ patnīṃ padmāṃ harasahacharī-madritanayām ।

turīyā kāpi tvaṃ duradhigama-nissīma-mahimā

mahāmāyā viśvaṃ bhramayasi parabrahmamahiṣi ॥ 97 ॥

:Wise and learned men describe You as Sarasvatī, as Lakshmi, as the daughter of Himavan.  But, You are the great Divine Power with inscrutable and infinite Glory, the Consort of Supreme Brahman Paramaśiva. You are the fourth stage of Consciousness.

Benefits :  Gets youthful energy.

कदा काले मातः कथय कलितालक्तकरसं

पिबेयं विद्यार्थी तव चरणनिर्णेजनजलम् ।

प्रकृत्या मूकानामपि च कविताकारणतया

कदा धत्ते वाणीमुखकमलताम्बूलरसताम् ॥ ९८॥

kadā kālē mātaḥ kathaya kalitālaktakarasaṃ

pibēyaṃ vidyārthī tava charaṇa-nirṇējanajalam ।

prakṛtyā mūkānāmapi cha kavitā0kāraṇatayā

kadā dhattē vāṇīmukhakamala-tāmbūla-rasatām ॥ 98 ॥

:O! Divine Mother! I am a spiritual seeker. When I will be able to drink water mixed with henna that is used for washing Your sacred feet, which will make even a born dumb to become a composer of verses? When I will be able to taste the flavour of the essence of betel from Sarasvatī’s mouth?

Benefits : The practitioner gets blessed with progeny.

सरस्वत्या लक्ष्म्या विधिहरिसपत्नो विहरते

रतेः पातिव्रत्यं शिथिलयति रम्येण वपुषा ।

चिरं जीवन्नेव क्षपितपशुपाशव्यतिकरः

परानन्दाभिख्यम् रसयति रसं त्वद्भजनवान् ॥ ९९॥

sarasvatyā lakṣmyā vidhi hari sapatnō viharatē

ratēḥ pativratyaṃ śithilayati ramyēṇa vapuṣā ।

chiraṃ jīvannēva kṣapita-paśupāśa-vyatikaraḥ

parānandābhikhyaṃ rasayati rasaṃ tvadbhajanavān ॥ 99 ॥

:Your devotee would be enriched with so much knowledge and wealth that even Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu feel jealous of him.  He will be so attractive that he loosens the chastity of even Rathi Devi.  He lives forever by destroying the bonds of mortals and tastes the nectar of bliss called Paraananda.

Benefits : Gets valour, happiness and the grace of God.


सुधासूतेश्चन्द्रोपलजललवैरर्घ्यरचना ।

स्वकीयैरम्भोभिः सलिलनिधिसौहित्यकरणं

त्वदीयाभिर्वाग्भिस्तव जननि वाचां स्तुतिरियम् ॥ १००॥

pradīpa jvālābhi-rdivasakara-nīrājanavidhiḥ

sudhāsūtē-śchandrōpala-jalalavai-raghyarachanā ।

svakīyairambhōbhiḥ salila-nidhi-sauhityakaraṇaṃ

tvadīyābhi-rvāgbhi-stava janani vāchāṃ stutiriyam ॥ 100 ॥

:O! Divine Mother! These words of praise (entire Saundaryalaharī) appear like offering dīpārādhana to the sun, offering oblations to the moon from the water secreted from moon stone and offering oblations to the ocean with water. All these words (of Saundaryalaharī) are only Your own words.

Benefits : All round success

Soundarya Lahari 81-90

 गुरुत्वं विस्तारं क्षितिधरपतिः पार्वति निजा-

न्नितम्बादाच्छिद्य त्वयि हरणरूपेण निदधे ।

अतस्ते विस्तीर्णो गुरुरयमशेषां वसुमतीं

नितम्बप्राग्भारः स्थगयति लघुत्वं नयति च ॥ ८१॥

gurutvaṃ vistāraṃ kṣitidharapatiḥ pārvati nijāt

nitambā-dāchChidya tvayi haraṇa rūpēṇa nidadhē ।

atastē vistīrṇō gururayamaśēṣāṃ vasumatīṃ

nitamba-prāgbhāraḥ sthagayati saghutvaṃ nayati cha ॥ 81 ॥

: Freedom from fire accidents.

करीन्द्राणां शुण्डान् कनककदलीकाण्डपटली-

मुभाभ्यामूरुभ्यामुभयमपि निर्जित्य भवती ।

सुवृत्ताभ्यां पत्युः प्रणतिकठिनाभ्यां गिरिसुते

विधिज्ञ्ये जानुभ्यां विबुधकरिकुम्भद्वयमसि ॥ ८२॥

karīndrāṇāṃ śuṇḍān-kanakakadalī-kāṇḍapaṭalīṃ

ubhābhyāmūrubhyā-mubhayamapi nirjitya bhavati ।

suvṛttābhyāṃ patyuḥ praṇatikaṭhinābhyāṃ girisutē

vidhijñē jānubhyāṃ vibudha karikumbha dvayamasi ॥ 82 ॥

: Accumulation of wealth.

पराजेतुं रुद्रं द्विगुणशरगर्भौ गिरिसुते

निषङ्गौ जङ्घे ते विषमविशिखो बाढमकृत ।

यदग्रे दृश्यन्ते दशशरफलाः पादयुगली-

नखाग्रच्छद्मानः सुरमकुटशाणैकनिशिताः ॥ ८३॥

parājētuṃ rudraṃ dviguṇaśaragarbhau girisutē

niṣaṅgau jaṅghē tē viṣamaviśikhō bāḍha-makṛta ।

yadagrē dṛsyantē daśaśaraphalāḥ pādayugalī

nakhāgrachChanmānaḥ sura mukuṭa-śāṇaika-niśitāḥ ॥ 83 ॥

: Power to subdue enemies and attain high positions.

श्रुतीनां मूर्धानो दधति तव यौ शेखरतया

ममाप्येतौ मातः शिरसि दयया धेहि चरणौ ।

ययोः पाद्यं पाथः पशुपतिजटाजूटतटिनी

ययोर्लाक्षालक्ष्मीररुणहरिचूडामणिरुचिः ॥ ८४॥

śrutīnāṃ mūrdhānō dadhati tava yau śēkharatayā

mamāpyētau mātaḥ śērasi dayayā dēhi charaṇau ।

yaya^^ōḥ pādyaṃ pāthaḥ paśupati jaṭājūṭa taṭinī

yayō-rlākṣā-lakṣmī-raruṇa harichūḍāmaṇi ruchiḥ ॥ 84 ॥

:O! Parāśakti! Out of compassion for me, please keep Your feet on my head too. Your feet are considered as crown which Upaniṣad-s adorn. Your feet are cleansed by waters of Ganges, who resides at the top of Śiva’s matted hair. I also think that the redness of Your feet is due to chūḍāmaṇi gem of Viṣṇu’s crown.

Benefits : Ability to cure illness of others.

नमोवाकं ब्रूमो नयनरमणीयाय पदयो-

स्तवास्मै द्वन्द्वाय स्फुटरुचिरसालक्तकवते ।

असूयत्यत्यन्तं यदभिहननाय स्पृहयते

पशूनामीशानः प्रमदवनकङ्केलितरवे ॥ ८५॥

namō vākaṃ brūmō nayana-ramaṇīyāya padayōḥ

tavāsmai dvandvāya sphuṭa-ruchi rasālaktakavatē ।

asūyatyatyantaṃ yadabhihananāya spṛhayatē

paśūnā-mīśānaḥ pramadavana-kaṅkēlitaravē ॥ 85 ॥

:I pray aloud with verses, hymns and nāma-s, as they are generally recited aloud,  at Your beautiful pair of feet, which shine with henna applied. The ashoka tree in Your joyous garden is being kicked by You. On seeing this, Your Consort Śiva becomes jealous of this ashoka tree.

Benefits : Attainment of devotion to Devi.

मृषा कृत्वा गोत्रस्खलनमथ वैलक्ष्यनमितं

ललाटे भर्तारं चरणकमले ताडयति ते ।

चिरादन्तःशल्यं दहनकृतमुन्मूलितवता

तुलाकोटिक्वाणैः किलिकिलितमीशानरिपुणा ॥ ८६॥

mṛṣā kṛtvā gōtraskhalana-matha vailakṣyanamitaṃ

lalāṭē bhartāraṃ charaṇakamalē tāḍayati tē ।

chirādantaḥ śalyaṃ dahanakṛta munmūlitavatā

tulākōṭikvāṇaiḥ kilikilita mīśāna ripuṇā ॥ 86 ॥

Meaning : 
Śiva intentionally called Parāśakti by some other woman’s name. In anger, Parāśakti kicked on Śiva’s third eye, and Śiva hanged His head due to embarrassment. Manamtha who watched this scene made joyful sounds which are like the jingling sounds from the tiny bells in Her anklets.

Benefits :  Gives power and strength.

हिमानीहन्तव्यं हिमगिरिनिवासैकचतुरौ

निशायां निद्राणं निशि चरमभागे च विशदौ ।

वरं लक्ष्मीपात्रं श्रियमतिसृजन्तौ समयिनां

सरोजं त्वत्पादौ जननि जयतश्चित्रमिह किम् ॥ ८७॥

himānī hantavyaṃ himagirinivāsaika-chaturau

niśāyāṃ nidrāṇaṃ niśi-charamabhāgē cha viśadau ।

varaṃ lakṣmīpātraṃ śriya-matisṛhantō samayināṃ

sarōjaṃ tvatpādau janani jayata-śchitramiha kim ॥ 87 ॥

:O! Parāśakti! Your lotus feet remain fully blossomed both during day and night and are capable of showering Grace on all your devotees . But, lotus flowers, which are the seat of Lakṣmī wither in snow and shrunk during nights. Therefore, Your feet have established their supremacy.

Benefits : Power to foresee future.

पदं ते कीर्तीनां प्रपदमपदं देवि विपदां

कथं नीतं सद्भिः कठिनकमठीकर्परतुलाम् ।

कथं वा बाहुभ्यामुपयमनकाले पुरभिदा

यदादाय न्यस्तं दृषदि दयमानेन मनसा ॥ ८८॥

padaṃ tē kīrtīnāṃ prapadamapadaṃ dēvi vipadāṃ

kathaṃ nītaṃ sadbhiḥ kaṭhina-kamaṭhī-karpara-tulām ।

kathaṃ vā bāhubhyā-mupayamanakālē purabhidā

yadādāya nyastaṃ dṛṣadi dayamānēna manasā ॥ 88 ॥

:Your feet are known for their grandeur and they remove all misfortunes (by contemplating on them). I wonder, how great poets have compared Your feet to the shell of tortoise. Śiva took great care in lifting Your feet with His two hands and placing them on the rock stone during Your marriage with Him.

Benefits : Freedom from troubles.

नखैर्नाकस्त्रीणां करकमलसंकोचशशिभि-

स्तरूणां दिव्यानां हसत इव ते चण्डि चरणौ ।

फलानि स्वःस्थेभ्यः किसलयकराग्रेण ददतां

दरिद्रेभ्यो भद्रां श्रियमनिशमह्नाय ददतौ ॥ ८९॥

nakhai-rnākastrīṇāṃ karakamala-saṅkōcha-śaśibhiḥ

tarūṇāṃ divyānāṃ hasata iva tē chaṇḍi charaṇau ।

phalāni svaḥsthēbhyaḥ kisalaya-karāgrēṇa dadatāṃ

daridrēbhyō bhadrāṃ śriyamaniśa-mahnāya dadatau ॥ 89 ॥

:O! Chaṇḍi! Celestial trees are capable of granting boons only to gods and goddesses, but Your feet are capable of conferring richness, both to gods as well as to poor humans, the moment they ask for it. Your feet with moon shaped toe nails put to shame, lotus like arms of heavenly damsels.

Benefits :  Cure from diseases and attainment of strength.

ददाने दीनेभ्यः श्रियमनिशमाशानुसदृशी-

ममन्दं सौन्दर्यप्रकरमकरन्दम् विकिरति ।

तवास्मिन् मन्दारस्तबकसुभगे यातु चरणे

निमज्जन्मज्जीवः करणचरणः षट्चरणताम् ॥ ९०॥

dadānē dīnēbhyaḥ śriyamaniśa-māśānusadṛśīṃ

amandaṃ saundaryaṃ prakara-makarandaṃ vikirati ।

tavāsmin mandāra-stabaka-subhagē yātu charaṇē

nimajjan majjīvaḥ karaṇacharaṇaḥ ṣṭcharaṇatām ॥ 90 ॥

:Your feet are capable of fulfilling the rightful needs of poor perpetually. From Your feet flows the Divine nectar, just like plenty of nectar secreted from the bunch of celestial flowers.  Let me become a six footed bee and surrender unto Your feet with my sensory organs and antaḥkaraṇa.

Benefits :  Dispels poverty.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Soundarya Lahari 71-80

 नखानामुद्द्योतैर्नवनलिनरागं विहसतां

कराणां ते कान्तिं कथय कथयामः कथमुमे ।

कयाचिद्वा साम्यं भजतु कलया हन्त कमलं

यदि क्रीडल्लक्ष्मीचरणतललाक्षारसछणम् ॥ ७१॥

nakhānā-mudyōtai-rnavanalinarāgaṃ vihasatāṃ

karāṇāṃ tē kāntiṃ kathaya kathayāmaḥ kathamumē ।

kayāchidvā sāmyaṃ bhajatu kalayā hanta kamalaṃ

yadi krīḍallakṣmī-charaṇatala-lākṣārasa-chaṇam ॥ 71 ॥

:O! Umā! The nails in Your hands make lotus flowers to blossom, but their radiance is diminished by the splendour of Your nails.  Goddess Lakshmi resides within lotus flowers  and sports henna in her feet, from which the lotus flowers get their radiance. Even then, there cannot be any equality to Your splendour.

Benefits : The practitioner gets freed from all fears.

Twelve verses from verse 72 to 83 involve physical description of Parāśakti. It is always believed that Śaṁkarācārya was an incarnation of Śiva and thus every aspect of Her was known to Śaṁkarācārya. Such narrations should not be discussed in a public domain and hence, interpretations of these verses have been left out. Kāñci Paramācārya has chosen not to interpret many verses of Saundaryalaharī saying that one should be extremely careful in worshipping Divine Mother.

समं देवि स्कन्दद्विपवदनपीतं स्तनयुगं

तवेदं नः खेदं हरतु सततं प्रस्नुतमुखम् ।

यदालोक्याशङ्काकुलितहृदयो हासजनकः

स्वकुम्भौ हेरम्बः परिमृशति हस्तेन झडिति ॥ ७२॥

samaṃ dēvi skanda dvipivadana pītaṃ stanayugaṃ

tavēdaṃ naḥ khēdaṃ haratu satataṃ prasnuta-mukham ।

yadālōkyāśaṅkākulita hṛdayō hāsajanakaḥ

svakumbhau hērambaḥ parimṛśati hastēna jhaḍiti ॥ 72 ॥

: Freedom from all fears and strength of mind.

अमू ते वक्षोजावमृतरसमाणिक्यकुतुपौ

न संदेहस्पन्दो नगपतिपताके मनसि नः ।

पिबन्तौ तौ यस्मादविदितवधूसङ्गरसिकौ

कुमारावद्यापि द्विरदवदनक्रौञ्चदलनौ ॥ ७३॥

amū tē vakṣōjā-vamṛtarasa-māṇikya kutupau

na sandēhaspandō nagapati patākē manasi naḥ ।

pibantau tau yasmā davidita vadhūsaṅga rasikau

kumārāvadyāpi dviradavadana-krauñchdalanau ॥ 73 ॥

: enhances flow of milk for breastfeeding.

वहत्यम्ब स्तम्बेरमदनुजकुम्भप्रकृतिभिः

समारब्धां मुक्तामणिभिरमलां हारलतिकाम् ।

कुचाभोगो बिम्बाधररुचिभिरन्तः शबलितां

प्रतापव्यामिश्रां पुरदमयितुः कीर्तिमिव ते ॥ ७४॥

vahatyamba stmbērama-danuja-kumbhaprakṛtibhiḥ

samārabdhāṃ muktāmaṇibhiramalāṃ hāralatikām ।

kuchābhōgō bimbādhara-ruchibhi-rantaḥ śabalitāṃ

pratāpa-vyāmiśrāṃ puradamayituḥ kīrtimiva tē ॥ 74 ॥

: Attainment of fame, erudition and honour.

तव स्तन्यं मन्ये धरणिधरकन्ये हृदयतः

पयःपारावारः परिवहति सारस्वतमिव ।

दयावत्या दत्तं द्रविडशिशुरास्वाद्य तव यत्

कवीनां प्रौढानामजनि कमनीयः कवयिता ॥ ७५॥

tava stanyaṃ manyē dharaṇidharakanyē hṛdayataḥ

payaḥ pārāvāraḥ parivahati sārasvatamiva ।

dayāvatyā dattaṃ draviḍaśiśu-rāsvādya tava yat

kavīnāṃ prauḍhānā majani kamanīyaḥ kavayitā ॥ 75 ॥

: Good memory and attention, fame and gift of poesy.

हरक्रोधज्वालावलिभिरवलीढेन वपुषा

गभीरे ते नाभीसरसि कृतसङ्गो मनसिजः ।

समुत्तस्थौ तस्मादचलतनये धूमलतिका

जनस्तां जानीते तव जननि रोमावलिरिति ॥ ७६॥

harakrōdha-jvālāvalibhi-ravalīḍhēna vapuṣā

gabhīrē tē nābhīsarasi kṛtasaṅō manasijaḥ ।

samuttasthau tasmā-dachalatanayē dhūmalatikā

janastāṃ jānītē tava janani rōmāvaliriti ॥ 76 ॥

: Success in financial and legal affairs.

यदेतत् कालिन्दीतनुतरतरङ्गाकृति शिवे

कृशे मध्ये किंचिज्जननि तव यद्भाति सुधियाम् ।

विमर्दादन्योऽन्यं कुचकलशयोरन्तरगतं

तनूभूतं व्योम प्रविशदिव नाभिं कुहरिणीम् ॥ ७७॥

yadētatkālindī-tanutara-taraṅgākṛti śivē

kṛśē madhyē kiñchijjanani tava yadbhāti sudhiyām ।

vimardā-danyōnyaṃ kuchakalaśayō-rantaragataṃ

tanūbhūtaṃ vyōma praviśadiva nābhiṃ kuhariṇīm ॥ 77 ॥

: Dominance over others.

स्थिरो गङ्गावर्तः स्तनमुकुलरोमावलिलता-

कलावालं कुण्डं कुसुमशरतेजोहुतभुजः ।

रतेर्लीलागारं किमपि तव नाभिर्गिरिसुते

बिलद्वारं सिद्धेर्गिरिशनयनानां विजयते ॥ ७८॥

sthirō gaṅgā vartaḥ stanamukula-rōmāvali-latā

kalāvālaṃ kuṇḍaṃ kusumaśara tējō-hutabhujaḥ ।

ratē-rlīlāgāraṃ kimapi tava nābhirgirisutē

biladvāraṃ siddhē-rgiriśanayanānāṃ vijayatē ॥ 78 ॥

: Favors from government and all round success.

निसर्गक्षीणस्य स्तनतटभरेण क्लमजुषो

नमन्मूर्तेर्नारीतिलक शनकैस्त्रुट्यत इव ।

चिरं ते मध्यस्य त्रुटिततटिनीतीरतरुणा

समावस्थास्थेम्नो भवतु कुशलं शैलतनये ॥ ७९॥

nisarga-kṣīṇasya stanataṭa-bharēṇa klamajuṣō

namanmūrtē rnārītilaka śanakai-struṭyata iva ।

chiraṃ tē madhyasya truṭita taṭinī-tīra-taruṇā

samāvasthā-sthēmnō bhavatu kuśalaṃ śailatanayē ॥ 79 ॥

: Power to entice,  mastery in jugglery and mesmerism.

कुचौ सद्यःस्विद्यत्तटघटितकूर्पासभिदुरौ

कषन्तौ दोर्मूले कनककलशाभौ कलयता ।

तव त्रातुं भङ्गादलमिति वलग्नं तनुभुवा

त्रिधा नद्धं देवि त्रिवलि लवलीवल्लिभिरिव ॥ ८०॥

kuchau sadyaḥ svidya-ttaṭaghaṭita-kūrpāsabhidurau

kaṣantau-daurmūlē kanakakalaśābhau kalayatā ।

tava trātuṃ bhaṅgādalamiti valagnaṃ tanubhuvā

tridhā naddhm dēvī trivali lavalīvallibhiriva ॥ 80 ॥

: Attainment of magical powers and a handsome personality.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Soundarya Lahari 61-70

 असौ नासावंशस्तुहिनगिरिवंशध्वजपटि

त्वदीयो नेदीयः फलतु फलमस्माकमुचितम् ।

वहन्नन्तर्मुक्ताः शिशिरतरनिश्वासगलितं

समृद्ध्या यत्तासां बहिरपि च मुक्तामणिधरः ॥ ६१॥

asau nāsāvaṃśa-stuhinagirivaṇśa-dhvajapaṭi

tvadīyō nēdīyaḥ phalatu phala-masmākamuchitam ।

vahatyantarmuktāḥ śiśirakara-niśvāsa-galitaṃ

samṛddhyā yattāsāṃ bahirapi cha muktāmaṇidharaḥ ॥ 61 ॥

:O! The most revered in the Himalayan Kingdom! Your bamboo like nose, quickly reward our desires. Pearls formed within your nose are pushed while you breathe out through your left nostril.

Benefits : Secures relief from diseases.

प्रकृत्या रक्तायास्तव सुदति दन्तच्छदरुचेः

प्रवक्ष्ये सादृश्यं जनयतु फलं विद्रुमलता ।

न बिम्बं तद्बिम्बप्रतिफलनरागादरुणितं

तुलामध्यारोढुं कथमिव विलज्जेत कलया ॥ ६२॥

prakṛtyāraktāyā-stava sudati dandachChadaruchēḥ

pravakṣyē sadṛśyaṃ janayatu phalaṃ vidrumalatā ।

na bimbaṃ tadbimba-pratiphalana-rāgā-daruṇitaṃ

tulāmadhyārōḍhuṃ kathamiva vilajjēta kalayā ॥ 62 ॥

:O! Devi, the One with beautiful white teeth! . That are seen through parting lips which are dark red in complexion. Shankaracharya compares Her lips to  the coral creeper and not to the bimba fruit, as bimba fruit doesn't have natural redness. Will not the bimba fruit be embarrassed at least by a bit, when this comparison is made?

Benefits : Secures sound sleep.

स्मितज्योत्स्नाजालं तव वदनचन्द्रस्य पिबतां

चकोराणामासीदतिरसतया चञ्चुजडिमा ।

अतस्ते शीतांशोरमृतलहरीमम्लरुचयः

पिबन्ति स्वच्छन्दं निशि निशि भृशं काञ्जिकधिया ॥ ६३॥

smitajyōtsnājālaṃ tava vadanachandrasya pibatāṃ

chakōrāṇā-māsī-datirasatayā chañchu-jaḍimā ।

atastē śītāṃśō-ramṛtalaharī māmlaruchayaḥ

pibantī svachChandaṃ niśi niśi bhṛśaṃ kāñji kadhiyā ॥ 63 ॥

:The Chakora birds are satiated with drinking in the moon-light of the smile of Your moon-like face owing to the oversavoury sweetness thereof; hence, eager to taste something  sour, they freely drink in excess, every night, the nectar flowing from the Moon believing it to be gruel.

Benefits : Secures command over others.

अविश्रान्तं पत्युर्गुणगणकथाम्रेडनजपा

जपापुष्पच्छाया तव जननि जिह्वा जयति सा ।

यदग्रासीनायाः स्फटिकदृषदच्छच्छविमयी

सरस्वत्या मूर्तिः परिणमति माणिक्यवपुषा ॥ ६४॥

aviśrāntaṃ patyurguṇagaṇa kathāmrēḍanajapā

japāpuṣpachChāyā tava janani jihvā jayati sā ।

yadagrāsīnāyāḥ sphaṭikadṛṣa-dachChachChavimayi

sarasvatyā mūrtiḥ pariṇamati māṇikyavapuṣā ॥ 64 ॥

:O! Divine Mother! Your tongue has turned into deep red like a hibiscus flower, as You are repeatedly talking about the Grandeur of Your Consort Śiva! Goddess Sarasvatī having a crystal like complexion and residing in the tip of Your tongue turns red like that of a ruby.

Benefits :  Cures women related diseases.

रणे जित्वा दैत्यानपहृतशिरस्त्रैः कवचिभिर्-

निवृत्तैश्चण्डांशत्रिपुरहरनिर्माल्यविमुखैः ।

विशाखेन्द्रोपेन्द्रैः शशिविशदकर्पूरशकला

विलीयन्ते मातस्तव वदनताम्बूलकबलाः ॥ ६५॥

raṇē jitvā daityā napahṛta-śirastraiḥ kavachibhiḥ

nivṛttai-śchaṇḍāṃśa-tripurahara-nirmālya-vimukhaiḥ ।

viśākhēndrōpēndraiḥ śaśiviśada-karpūraśakalā

vilīyantē mātastava vadanatāmbūla-kabalāḥ ॥ 65 ॥

:Oh mother of the world, the lords Subrahmanya (Vishakha), Vishnu (Upendra) and Indra, who are resting after returning victorious from the war with Asuras, and have removed their head gear, and wearing the iron armour; are not interested in the offerrings to Lord Shiva (Tripura-hara), which they leave as a share of Chandikeshwara. They, in stead, and are swallowing with zest, the half chewed betel and nut from your holy mouth, which is mixed with powdered camphor as radiant as the moon.

Benefits : Gains overall victory.

विपञ्च्या गायन्ती विविधमपदानं पशुपतेः

त्वयारब्धे वक्तुं चलितशिरसा साधुवचने ।


निजां वीणां वाणी निचुलयति चोलेन निभृतम् ॥ ६६॥

vipañchyā gāyantī vividha-mapadānaṃ paśupatē-

stvayārabdhē vaktuṃ chalitaśirasā sādhuvachanē ।


nijāṃ vīṇāṃ vāṇīṃ nichulayati chōlēna nibhṛtam ॥ 66 ॥

:Oh mother of all,. when you start nodding your head, sweetly muttering , “good,good”, to the Goddess Saraswathi,  when she sings the great stories of Lord Pasupati to you, with the accompaniment of her Veena;She mutes the Veena by the covering cloth, so that the strings throwing sweetest music, are not put to shame, by your voice which is full of sweetness.

Benefits : Freedom from diseases.

कराग्रेण स्पृष्टं तुहिनगिरिणा वत्सलतया

गिरीशेनोदस्तं मुहुरधरपानाकुलतया ।

करग्राह्यं शम्भोर्मुखमुकुरवृन्तं गिरिसुते

कथङ्कारं ब्रूमस्तव चिबुकमौपम्यरहितम् ॥ ६७॥

karagrēṇa spṛṣṭaṃ tuhinagiriṇā vatsalatayā

giriśēnō-dastaṃ muhuradharapānākulatayā ।

karagrāhyaṃ śambhōrmukhamukuravṛntaṃ girisutē

kathaṅkaraṃ brūma-stava chubukamōpamyarahitam ॥ 67 ॥

:Oh daughter of the mountains, How can we describe the beauty of your chin, which was  affectionately caressed by the tip of his fingers by your father Himavan;  Which was often lifted by the Lord of Kailasa, with eargerness to drink from your lips; Which was so fit to be touched by his fingers; Which is matchless and which forms the base of your mirror-like face.

Benefits : Earning royal favour.

भुजाश्लेषान् नित्यं पुरदमयितुः कण्टकवती

तव ग्रीवा धत्ते मुखकमलनालश्रियमियम् ।

स्वतः श्वेता कालागुरुबहुलजम्बालमलिना

मृणालीलालित्यम् वहति यदधो हारलतिका ॥ ६८॥

bhujāślēṣānnityaṃ puradamayituḥ kanṭakavatī

tava grīvā dhattē mukhakamalanāla-śriyamiyam ।

svataḥ śvētā kālā garu bahula-jambālamalinā

mṛṇālīlālityaṃ vahati yadadhō hāralatikā ॥ 68 ॥

:Your neck always thrilled by the embrace of the destroyer of cities (Shiva)displays the gracefulness of the stalk of the lotus. Your face, with the naturally white garland of pearls below, darkened by the application of black, and muddy ‘agaru’ paste (applied to the neck) presents the charm of the fibrous root of the lotus-stalk.

Benefits : Secures royal favor.

गले रेखास्तिस्रो गतिगमकगीतैकनिपुणे

विवाहव्यानद्धप्रगुणगुणसंख्याप्रतिभुवः ।

विराजन्ते नानाविधमधुररागाकरभुवां

त्रयाणां ग्रामाणां स्थितिनियमसीमान इव ते ॥ ६९॥

galē rēkhāstisrō gati gamaka gītaika nipuṇē

vivāha-vyānaddha-praguṇaguṇa-saṅkhyā pratibhuvaḥ ।

virājantē nānāvidha-madhura-rāgākara-bhuvāṃ

trayāṇāṃ grāmāṇāṃ sthiti-niyama-sīmāna iva tē ॥ 69 ॥

:Your neck,  which has the expertise of singing melodious tunes, has three lines. They remind us about the auspicious thread (māṅgalyasūtra) tied in your neck by Śiva, which is made of three intertwined yellow threads. The three lines also appear like boundaries delimiting musical notes.

Benefits : Secures success in all undertakings.

मृणालीमृद्वीनां तव भुजलतानां चतसृणां

चतुर्भिः सौन्दर्यं सरसिजभवः स्तौति वदनैः ।

नखेभ्यः सन्त्रस्यन् प्रथममथनादन्धकरिपो-

श्चतुर्णां शीर्षाणां सममभयहस्तार्पणधिया ॥ ७०॥

mṛṇālī-mṛdvīnāṃ tava bhujalatānāṃ chatasṛṇāṃ

chaturbhiḥ saundaryaṃ sarasijabhavaḥ stauti vadanaiḥ ।

nakhēbhyaḥ santrasyan prathama-mathanā dandhakaripōḥ

chaturṇāṃ śīrṣāṇāṃ sama-mabhayahastārpaṇa-dhiyā ॥ 70 ॥

:Your four hands are very soft like lotus stalk. Once upon a time, Śiva nipped off Brahmā’s head using His finger nails. Scared of this and in order to retain his existing four heads, Brahmā came to You and praised Your four soft hands seeking Your protection.

Benefits : The practitioner gets blessed with overall success.

Soundarya Lahari 51-60

 शिवे श‍ृङ्गारार्द्रा तदितरजने कुत्सनपरा

सरोषा गङ्गायां गिरिशचरिते विस्मयवती ।

हराहिभ्यो भीता सरसिरुहसौभाग्यजननी 

सखीषु स्मेरा ते मयि जननी दृष्टिः सकरुणा ॥ ५१॥

śivē śṛṅgārārdrā taditarajanē kutsanaparā

sarōṣā gaṅgāyāṃ giriśacharitē vismayavatī ।

harāhibhyō bhītā sarasiruha saubhāgya-jananī

sakhīṣu smērā tē mayi janani dṛṣṭiḥ sakaruṇā ॥ 51 ॥

:Your glance at Śiva expresses soft and tender love; Your glance at all others except Śiva is full of seriousness; Your glance at Gaṅgā is full of anger; when You listen to the adventures of Śiva, your glance expresses amazement; when You notice snakes on Śiva, You express fear making Your face red like a lotus flower in a pond; when you look at your friends, You smile; when You look at me, Your glance is full of Grace.

Benefits : Secures popularity.

गते कर्णाभ्यर्णं गरुत इव पक्ष्माणि दधती

पुरां भेत्तुश्चित्तप्रशमरसविद्रावणफले ।

इमे नेत्रे गोत्राधरपतिकुलोत्तंसकलिके

तवाकर्णाकृष्टस्मरशरविलासं कलयतः ॥ ५२॥

gatē karṇābhyarṇaṃ garuta iva pakṣmāṇi dadhatī

purāṃ bhēttu-śchittapraśama-rasa-vidrāvaṇa phalē ।

imē nētrē gōtrādharapati-kulōttaṃsa-kalikē

tavākarṇākṛṣṭa smaraśara-vilāsaṃ kalayataḥ॥ 52 ॥

:O! Parāśakti! The excellent one in the lineage of Haimavān, the king of snow clad mountains! Your eyes extend up to Your ears and Your eyelashes appear like feathers of a bird. Your eyes disturb tranquillity of Śiva, as they appear  like a shining arrow of Manmatha.

Benefits :  Secures relief from diseases of eyes and ears.

विभक्तत्रैवर्ण्यं व्यतिकरितलीलाञ्जनतया

विभाति त्वन्नेत्रत्रितयमिदमीशानदयिते ।

पुनः स्रष्टुं देवान् द्रुहिणहरिरुद्रानुपरतान्

रजः सत्त्वं बिभ्रत्तम इति गुणानां त्रयमिव ॥ ५३॥

vibhakta-traivarṇyaṃ vyatikarita-līlāñjanatayā

vibhāti tvannētra tritaya mida-mīśānadayitē ।

punaḥ sraṣṭuṃ dēvān druhiṇa hari-rudrānuparatān

rajaḥ satvaṃ bhibhrat-tama iti guṇānāṃ trayamiva ॥ 53 ॥

:O! Beloved Consort of Śiva. Your three splendid eyes shine with three different colours, and these three colours appear like three guṇa-s rajas, sattva and tamas. This appears as if You have decided to re-create three Gods Brahmā, Viṣṇu and Rudra, after annihilation.

Benefits : Vision of Devi and power to foresee future.

पवित्रीकर्तुं नः पशुपतिपराधीनहृदये

दयामित्रैर्नेत्रैररुणधवलश्यामरुचिभिः ।

नदः शोणो गङ्गा तपनतनयेति ध्रुवममुं

त्रयाणां तीर्थानामुपनयसि संभेदमनघम् ॥ ५४॥

pavitrīkartuṃ naḥ paśupati-parādhīna-hṛdayē

dayāmitrai rnētrai-raruṇa-dhavaḻa-śyāma ruchibhiḥ ।

nadaḥ śōṇō gaṅgā tapanatanayēti dhruvamayam

trayāṇāṃ tīrthānā-mupanayasi sambhēda-managham ॥ 54 ॥

:The one who has wholeheartedly surrendered unto Śiva! The One who has compassionate eyes shining with red, white and black colours! You have given us the holy confluence of three rivers, Sone, Ganges and Yamuna, to wash off our sins.

Benefits : Cures venereal diseases.

निमेषोन्मेषाभ्यां प्रलयमुदयं याति जगती

तवेत्याहुः सन्तो धरणिधरराजन्यतनये ।

त्वदुन्मेषाज्जातं जगदिदमशेषं प्रलयतः

परित्रातुं शङ्के परिहृतनिमेषास्तव दृशः ॥ ५५॥

nimēṣōnmēṣābhyāṃ pralayamudayaṃ yāti jagati

tavētyāhuḥ santō dharaṇidhara-rājanyatanayē ।

tvadunmēṣājjātaṃ jagadida-maśēṣaṃ pralayataḥ

parētrātuṃ śaṃṅkē parihṛta-nimēṣā-stava dṛśaḥ ॥ 55 ॥

:O! Daughter of King of Mountains! Wise men say that the universe is annihilated and re-created by winking of Your eyes. But, I think that the entire is universe is protected by You, by not winking Your eyes.

Benefits : Secures relief from poisoning.

तवापर्णे कर्णेजपनयनपैशुन्यचकिता

निलीयन्ते तोये नियतमनिमेषाः शफरिकाः ।

इयं च श्रीर्बद्धच्छदपुटकवाटं कुवलयम्

जहाति प्रत्यूषे निशि च विघटय्य प्रविशति ॥ ५६॥

tavāparṇē karṇē japanayana paiśunya chakitā

nilīyantē tōyē niyata manimēṣāḥ śapharikāḥ ।

iyaṃ cha śrī-rbaddhachChada puṭa kavāṭaṃ kuvalayaṃ

jahāti pratyūṣē niśi cha vighaṭayya praviśati॥ 56 ॥

:O Eternal One!The female fish without a blink, hide themselves in water, being afraid of the tell-tale activities of Thy eyes against them-their rivals; and Sri, the Goddess of beauty abandons the closed petals of blue lily during the day (in order to reside in Thy lotus-like eyes) and returns again at night to the blooming blue lily.

Benefits :  Cures physical or mental problems.

दृशा द्राघीयस्या दरदलितनीलोत्पलरुचा

दवीयांसं दीनं स्नपय कृपया मामपि शिवे ।

अनेनायं धन्यो भवति न च ते हानिरियता

वने वा हर्म्ये वा समकरनिपातो हिमकरः ॥ ५७॥

dṛśā drāghīyasyā daradalita nīlōtpala ruchā

davīyāṃsaṃ dīnaṃ snapā kṛpayā māmapi śivē ।

anēnāyaṃ dhanyō bhavati na cha tē hāniriyatā

vanē vā harmyē vā samakara nipātō himakaraḥ ॥ 57 ॥

:! Auspicious Parāśakti! Please look at me, who am far away from You and in a miserable condition. Shower Your compassion on me through Your beautiful and lengthy eyes appearing like fully blossomed water lilies. By doing so, it is no loss for you like moon shedding his rays both in a forest and in a mansion.

Benefits : Brings prosperity.

अरालं ते पालीयुगलमगराजन्यतनये

न केषामाधत्ते कुसुमशरकोदण्डकुतुकम् ।

तिरश्चीनो यत्र श्रवणपथमुल्लङ्घ्य विलस-

न्नपाङ्गव्यासङ्गो दिशति शरसंधानधिषणाम् ॥ ५८॥

arālaṃ tē pālīyugala-magarājanyatanayē

na kēṣā-mādhattē kusumaśara kōdaṇḍa-kutukam ।

tiraśchīnō yatra śravaṇapatha-mullṅyya vilasan

apāṅga vyāsaṅgō diśati śarasandhāna dhiṣaṇām ॥ 58 ॥

:O! Daughter of King of Mountains! Curved space between Your eyes and outer ear lobes cause curiousness in everyone as they mistake it for Manmatha’s bow. When You see through the outer corner of Your eyes, it causes radiance and appears like fixing an arrow to the bow.

Benefits : Freedom from diseases.


चतुश्चक्रं मन्ये तव मुखमिदं मन्मथरथम् ।

यमारुह्य द्रुह्यत्यवनिरथमर्केन्दुचरणं

महावीरो मारः प्रमथपतये सज्जितवते ॥ ५९॥

sphuradgaṇḍābhōga-pratiphalita tāṭṅka yugalaṃ

chatuśchakraṃ manyē tava mukhamidaṃ manmatharatham ।

yamāruhya druhya tyavaniratha markēnducharaṇaṃ

mahāvīrō māraḥ pramathapatayē sajjitavatē ॥ 59 ॥

:Your face with a pair of ear rings that reflect on Your lustrous cheeks appear to me as the chariot of Manmatha with four wheels. Manmatha sitting on this chariot fights against Śiva, who uses earth as His chariot and sun and moon as its wheels.

Benefits : The practitioner gets the power to charm people.

सरस्वत्याः सूक्तीरमृतलहरीकौशलहरीः

पिबन्त्याः शर्वाणि श्रवणचुलुकाभ्यामविरलम् ।

चमत्कारश्लाघाचलितशिरसः कुण्डलगणो

झणत्कारैस्तारैः प्रतिवचनमाचष्ट इव ते ॥ ६०॥

sarasvatyāḥ sūktī-ramṛtalaharī kauśalaharīḥ

pibnatyāḥ śarvāṇi śravaṇa-chulukābhyā-maviralam ।

chamatkāraḥ-ślāghāchalita-śirasaḥ kuṇḍalagaṇō

jhaṇatkaraistāraiḥ prativachana-māchaṣṭa iva tē ॥ 60 ॥

:O! Śiva’s Consort! The wise saying of Goddess Sarasvatī contagiously flow like nectar into Your ears, which appear like hollowed palms holding water. When You nod in approval, your ear studs make jingling sound, which resembles Your utterances in approval.

Benefits : Becomes knowledgeable