स्खलन्तस्ते खेलं भवनकलहंसा न जहति ।
अतस्तेषां शिक्षां सुभगमणिमञ्जीररणित-
च्छलादाचक्षाणं चरणकमलं चारुचरिते ॥ ९१॥
padanyāsa-krīḍā parichaya-mivārabdhu-manasaḥ
skhalantastē khēlaṃ bhavanakalahaṃsā na jahati ।
atastēṣāṃ śikṣāṃ subhagamaṇi-mañjīra-raṇita-
chChalādāchakṣāṇaṃ charaṇakamalaṃ chārucharitē ॥ 91 ॥
Meaning :O Goddess of graceful gait!The royal swans in Your household are never abandoning their effort to observe Your gait for correcting their own defective ways. And Your lotus feet are, it seems, giving instructions to them in the guise of tinkling sounds of the anklets on them, studded with precious stones.
Benefits : Becomes acquainted with great scholars.
गतास्ते मञ्चत्वं द्रुहिणहरिरुद्रेश्वरभृतः
शिवः स्वच्छच्छायाघटितकपटप्रच्छदपटः ।
त्वदीयानां भासां प्रतिफलनरागारुणतया
शरीरी शृङ्गारो रस इव दृशां दोग्धि कुतुकम् ॥ ९२॥
gatāstē mañchatvaṃ druhiṇa hari rudrēśvara bhṛtaḥ
śivaḥ svachCha-chChāyā-ghaṭita-kapaṭa-prachChadapaṭaḥ ।
tvadīyānāṃ bhāsāṃ pratiphalana rāgāruṇatayā
śarīrī śṛṅgārō rasa iva dṛśāṃ dōgdhi kutukam ॥ 92 ॥
Meaning :Your functionaries Brahma, Vishnu,Rudra and Ishvara have taken the shape of the four legs of Your cot in order to serve You very closely. And Sadashiva has formed Himself into Your bedspread, reflecting Your crimson glory in His lustrous whiteness, thereby causing amazement by presenting Himself as the very embodiment of erotic sentiment.
Benefits : Recovery of lost property.
अराला केशेषु प्रकृतिसरला मन्दहसिते
शिरीषाभा चित्ते दृषदुपलशोभा कुचतटे ।
भृशं तन्वी मध्ये पृथुरुरसिजारोहविषये
जगत्त्रातुं शम्भोर्जयति करुणा काचिदरुणा ॥ ९३॥
arālā kēśēṣu prakṛti saralā mandahasitē
śirīṣābhā chittē dṛṣadupalaśōbhā kuchataṭē ।
bhṛśaṃ tanvī madhyē pṛthu-rurasijārōha viṣayē
jagattratuṃ śambhō-rjayati karuṇā kāchidaruṇā ॥ 93 ॥
Meaning :Curly in hair and inherently artless in smile, heart soft as the 'sireesha' flower, breasts as tight and hard like a grinding stone, waist extremely slender, hips and breasts generous in size, the indescribable 'aruna shakthi', the grace of Shiva, shines gloriously for the protection of the Universe.
Benefits : Fulfilment of all desires.
कलङ्कः कस्तूरी रजनिकरबिम्बं जलमयं
कलाभिः कर्पूरैर्मरकतकरण्डं निबिडितम् ।
अतस्त्वद्भोगेन प्रतिदिनमिदं रिक्तकुहरं
विधिर्भूयो भूयो निबिडयति नूनं तव कृते ॥ ९४॥
kalaṅkaḥ kastūrī rajanikara bimbaṃ jalamayaṃ
kalābhiḥ karpūrai-rmarakatakaraṇḍaṃ nibiḍitam ।
atastvadbhōgēna pratidinamidaṃ riktakuharaṃ
vidhi-rbhūyō bhūyō nibiḍayati nūnaṃ tava kṛtē ॥ 94 ॥
Meaning :The dark mark on the moon is musk. (A substance with a strong smell that is used in making some perfumes. It is produced naturally by a type of male deer)
The moon’s watery orbit is the emerald cup. Rays of the moon are the edible camphor in the emerald cup that is filled to its brim. When the cup becomes empty by Your usage,(refers to Her bath) Brahmā repeatedly fills the cup for Your sake.
Benefits : Getting moksha.
पुरारातेरन्तःपुरमसि ततस्त्वच्चरणयोः
सपर्यामर्यादा तरलकरणानामसुलभा ।
तथा ह्येते नीताः शतमखमुखाः सिद्धिमतुलां
तव द्वारोपान्तस्थितिभिरणिमाद्याभिरमराः ॥ ९५॥
purārantē-rantaḥ puramasi tata-stvacharaṇayōḥ
saparyā-maryādā taralakaraṇānā-masulabhā ।
tathā hyētē nītāḥ śatamakhamukhāḥ siddhimatulāṃ
tava dvārōpāntaḥ sthitibhi-raṇimādyābhi-ramarāḥ ॥ 95 ॥
Meaning :You are the leading lady of the home of Lord Shiva. Therefore, the privilege of coming near you and worshipping at your feet, is unattainable to those who do not have control of their senses. This, probably, is the reason why, Gods like Indra are reduced to the status of worshipping Her at the door step by Anima and other siddhi devis who guard the gates of Srichakra.
Benefits : Wounds are healed.
कलत्रं वैधात्रं कतिकति भजन्ते न कवयः
श्रियो देव्याः को वा न भवति पतिः कैरपि धनैः ।
महादेवं हित्वा तव सति सतीनामचरमे
कुचाभ्यामासङ्गः कुरवकतरोरप्यसुलभः ॥ ९६॥
kalatraṃ vaidhātraṃ katikati bhajantē na kavayaḥ
śriyō dēvyāḥ kō vā na bhavati patiḥ kairapi dhanaiḥ ।
mahādēvaṃ hitvā tava sati satīnā-macharamē
kuchabhyā-māsaṅgaḥ kuravaka-tarō-rapyasulabhaḥ ॥ 96 ॥
Meaning :Innumerable poets have attained goddess Sarasvatī. Similarly those with a little wealth court goddess Lakṣmī. But You, foremost amongst the chaste women cannot be touched, even by henna tree.
Benefits : Gives peace of mind.
गिरामाहुर्देवीं द्रुहिणगृहिणीमागमविदो
हरेः पत्नीं पद्मां हरसहचरीमद्रितनयाम् ।
तुरीया कापि त्वं दुरधिगमनिःसीममहिमा
महामाया विश्वं भ्रमयसि परब्रह्ममहिषि ॥ ९७॥
girāmāhu-rdēvīṃ druhiṇagṛhiṇī-māgamavidō
harēḥ patnīṃ padmāṃ harasahacharī-madritanayām ।
turīyā kāpi tvaṃ duradhigama-nissīma-mahimā
mahāmāyā viśvaṃ bhramayasi parabrahmamahiṣi ॥ 97 ॥
Meaning :Wise and learned men describe You as Sarasvatī, as Lakshmi, as the daughter of Himavan. But, You are the great Divine Power with inscrutable and infinite Glory, the Consort of Supreme Brahman Paramaśiva. You are the fourth stage of Consciousness.
Benefits : Gets youthful energy.
कदा काले मातः कथय कलितालक्तकरसं
पिबेयं विद्यार्थी तव चरणनिर्णेजनजलम् ।
प्रकृत्या मूकानामपि च कविताकारणतया
कदा धत्ते वाणीमुखकमलताम्बूलरसताम् ॥ ९८॥
kadā kālē mātaḥ kathaya kalitālaktakarasaṃ
pibēyaṃ vidyārthī tava charaṇa-nirṇējanajalam ।
prakṛtyā mūkānāmapi cha kavitā0kāraṇatayā
kadā dhattē vāṇīmukhakamala-tāmbūla-rasatām ॥ 98 ॥
Meaning :O! Divine Mother! I am a spiritual seeker. When I will be able to drink water mixed with henna that is used for washing Your sacred feet, which will make even a born dumb to become a composer of verses? When I will be able to taste the flavour of the essence of betel from Sarasvatī’s mouth?
Benefits : The practitioner gets blessed with progeny.
सरस्वत्या लक्ष्म्या विधिहरिसपत्नो विहरते
रतेः पातिव्रत्यं शिथिलयति रम्येण वपुषा ।
चिरं जीवन्नेव क्षपितपशुपाशव्यतिकरः
परानन्दाभिख्यम् रसयति रसं त्वद्भजनवान् ॥ ९९॥
sarasvatyā lakṣmyā vidhi hari sapatnō viharatē
ratēḥ pativratyaṃ śithilayati ramyēṇa vapuṣā ।
chiraṃ jīvannēva kṣapita-paśupāśa-vyatikaraḥ
parānandābhikhyaṃ rasayati rasaṃ tvadbhajanavān ॥ 99 ॥
Meaning :Your devotee would be enriched with so much knowledge and wealth that even Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu feel jealous of him. He will be so attractive that he loosens the chastity of even Rathi Devi. He lives forever by destroying the bonds of mortals and tastes the nectar of bliss called Paraananda.
Benefits : Gets valour, happiness and the grace of God.
सुधासूतेश्चन्द्रोपलजललवैरर्घ्यरचना ।
स्वकीयैरम्भोभिः सलिलनिधिसौहित्यकरणं
त्वदीयाभिर्वाग्भिस्तव जननि वाचां स्तुतिरियम् ॥ १००॥
pradīpa jvālābhi-rdivasakara-nīrājanavidhiḥ
sudhāsūtē-śchandrōpala-jalalavai-raghyarachanā ।
svakīyairambhōbhiḥ salila-nidhi-sauhityakaraṇaṃ
tvadīyābhi-rvāgbhi-stava janani vāchāṃ stutiriyam ॥ 100 ॥
Meaning :O! Divine Mother! These words of praise (entire Saundaryalaharī) appear like offering dīpārādhana to the sun, offering oblations to the moon from the water secreted from moon stone and offering oblations to the ocean with water. All these words (of Saundaryalaharī) are only Your own words.
Benefits : All round success